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Questions tagged [collaboration]

Where teams work together at one task, e.g. the same document or code, the piece of software used must be able handling that. Use this tag if that's a requirement to the software you're looking for.

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1 answer

Collaborative calendar with RTL support and reminder message sending

I'm in a group of people who currently share information about activities using an instant messaging group. For various reasons, we would like to have a more structured mechanism - a proper calendar, ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Software to aid collaborative proposal / document writing

I often encounter the requirement to collaboratively write a document in response to a broad question. The questions are often vague, of strategic nature and require input from 1-10 people. Currently ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a self-hosted, real-time collaboration tool for VS Code?

I am looking for a way to collaborate with peers within my company. We would like for our editors (Visual Studio Code) to post changes to peers in real-time. One option we found is Microsoft Live ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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Looking for a Specific Collaboration Tools

I am wondering if there are any recommended collaborative modelling tools out there (like Figma or Miro), which can check a certain objects through all the files in the groups' repository. For example,...
Rayhunt's user avatar
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Software for sharing/exchanging locations? Visual location survey

Use case: People who know each other from somewhere but not as neighbors want to know if any of them live near each other. To do things together with or count on the help of other people from the ...
phk's user avatar
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Alternatives to Figma for Collaborative Online UI/UX Design?

I'm currently exploring UI/UX design tools that enable effective online collaboration with my team. We've been using Figma, which has been quite beneficial, but I'm interested in discovering other ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Software development planning tool that allows hierarchical tasks

We are planning a new project that will involve four separate (but closely linked) web sites and an API, and are looking for a tool to help us manage all the ideas. We would like something (preferably ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
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Looking for a collaborative document management system with version control and tagging

I am one of the organizers of the National Math Olympiad here in my country. We basically create a bunch of math problems, and then select a subset of them to design a couple of contest rounds. The ...
alexp9's user avatar
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Tool to collaborate on text creation and moving around of text blocks

tl:dr: Looking for a tool in which text blocks can easily be moved along an axis/timeline automatically re-aligning on every change. Hello community Working together with someone else on a story/...
JaPaGe's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

Tool for organizing language courses for Ukrainian refugees wanted

I am looking for a tool to organize language courses for Ukrainian refugees with the following features: An overview of the language courses offered. Interested people should be able to select the ...
Marc's user avatar
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Collaborative process management ideally with document output

Disclaimer: I will try to describe my problem into much detail to hopefully make you understand what I want. I apologise for the length of this. Our current process management When a new process ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Web app for scheduling dates (like when2meet but excluding time-of-day)

I’m trying to schedule multi-day events with others. And I’d like to include multiple months in the polling range. Example: “is there a stretch of 3-5 days this summer that works for everyone?” Any ...
Jellicle's user avatar
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Collaborative tagging app

I have a bunch of product reviews that I would like to collaboratively tag with my colleagues. I am looking for collaborative tagging Web app that: everyone can tag a text with a free-text tag ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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3 answers

Online collaborative text editor (like Google Docs), with an URL to access the RAW text content

I'm looking for an online collaborative tool, similar to Google Sheets or Google Docs, that: is a text editor (ideally with monospace font, for code) with an URL to access the RAW text ideally, with ...
Basj's user avatar
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Looking for a friendly eLogBook for laboratory

We are a lab team and we got the task to summarize all our work, the have explain me what a logbook is, a they ask me for configure one. Searching on internet I have found this post: Simple laboratory ...
fernando FUENTES-GUERRA FERNND's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Collaborative brainstorming tool

In the good old days, when you could meet with a group of people, we would often brainstorm using large sheets of paper and post-it or sticky notes. Seeing meetings these days are mostly limited to MS ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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Text debating and co-writing software

As part of advising an NGO, I am looking for web-based software to help them write texts, debate on them, amend them, and decide on them. There are many web applications that are very close to what ...
Etienne Membrives's user avatar
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3 answers

Gantt tool to collaborate on with costumors without them having to sign up/create an account

I am planning a project with a customer that will span across one year. So far, I've created a simple Gantt chart in Excel where I added timespans for tasks with shapes or text fields (see picture). ...
lisannceline's user avatar
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2 answers

collaboration way with team members

I recently joined a new design group as a project manager. I found this group worked in a pretty low-effective way while we all work from home because of Covid-19. So beside me and developers, there ...
user avatar
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need W10 install-free screen sharing

I want to share my desktop and collaborate with someone outside my org. Normally I would install teamviewer or anydesk, but that won't work. My W10 computer is locked down by the infrastructure ...
user976323's user avatar
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JavaScript library to allow user collaboration or TogetherJS alternatives

I'm making a Trello clone, i.e a project management web app, and would like to add collaboration functionality so that a user can invite another user and they can work on the same "board"(as ...
gemst4r's user avatar
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Tools for collaboration between units

I am the first point of contact for customer support, i need to forward the customers' feedback to any of three other units (Production, Marketing and Finance) depending on the type of feedback. These ...
user2341596's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

screen/image sharing with pointer

I'm doing language exchange online. We are sharing our screens in Google Meet and show an image/photo. We discuss things in the picture so being able to see the mouse pointer is great. The problem in ...
steros's user avatar
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Freeware-Tool/Plugin for live coding with collaborators

With tmux multiple users can connect to a window and see what people type even before execution of the command. apt install tmux tmux new -s mywindow tmux attach -t mywindow I've started using ...
Tin Nguyen's user avatar
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Online collaborative text editing with auto scroll down option

I'm looking for something like Google Docs, but with an additional option: if someone typed a new word in the document, the app should scroll down there automatically. Most we apps I've found ...
klenium's user avatar
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Workflow and tools to augment screenshots with custom arrows, numbers, boxes etc

I am looking for a workflow and tools to achieve the following: Create a screenshot (from a specific region of the screen) Add custom-made icons to the screenshots (such as arrows, numbers, boxes etc....
Sybille Peters's user avatar
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Is there a service that allows real-time (google docs-style) collaboration while filling forms?

I am looking to create a simple form with ~5 pages, each of which shows students an instructional video with a question at the end and presents them a text box to answer that question. I would like to ...
Bunji's user avatar
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Gantt software that is free and simple

I'm looking for a gantt software to use when I'm planning my design projects. Most I've found are expensive once the free trial runs out. Does anyone know what the industry standard is? What does most ...
Lin's user avatar
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Discussion forum that allows discussions in private channels

I am looking for a discussion forum web application with these features: People can register themselves and maintain a very simple profile The webapp basically consists of a set of discussion ...
TomFT's user avatar
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Collaborative, media intensive long document

I'm planning to create a long document (book) with a lot of images. Usually I'd use some LaTeX flavour and git. However, there are two big disadvantages: Co-worker can only handle "user friendly" ...
pasbi's user avatar
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HIPAA compliant project management for research groups

We are a 501c3 developing strategies for implementing social genomic medicine in clinics in several countries. We have several work groups each developing their own projects for their clinics which ...
user23368's user avatar
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Collaboratively annotate an image

I'm looking for a service that would allow me to upload a large map and allow several people to mark certain locations on it. Would be nice if I could categorize the markers and only view certain ...
shtickfigure's user avatar
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Trainable Predictive Typing with Phrase suggestions for Business

I would like to find a program that suggests phrases that are commonly used by our business as the user starts typing them, similar to Gmail's "Smart Compose" feature. This could be an ...
browly's user avatar
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Writing tool for documents with multiple authors

I'm looking for a tool for teachers. They write assessments for their pupils. So each teacher writes one per pupil. The software should collect all single assessments and create one large document out ...
Pao Tao's user avatar
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Best solution for a cross-platform (open-source) shared calendar

Today, almost nobody is only using one device actively. I for example, use a CentOS workstation, Ubuntu Notebook, Win 7 Gaming PC, Win 10 remote desktop and an iOS Phone. Therefore, I am looking for ...
flurble's user avatar
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real time collaborative python IDE, like google docs

I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with this website, so this might have already been asked (and I may have misused some of the tags). Some friends and I are going to be coding a small program for a 24 hour ...
rainbowkitty227's user avatar
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Software to collaboratively build organizational structure of 10 million entities, with diagram

I need some help for a project to stop Climate Change. If everything goes well, I will have a lot of activists pouring into an organization shortly. The rate will be too much for central planning, so ...
Nattfrosten's user avatar
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Friend and myself need software to work on a project in live time

A friend and I are looking to work on a web application together. However, we require a program that will allow both of us to work on the application in real time and with independent control. I ...
Jordan H's user avatar
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Multi-user e-mail client, with shared tags/replies/footer, for a single email account

I need a e-mail client even if it is paid, that allow multiple people work on a single account. For example: when user A tag some e-mail with "process this later", all other users will see that tag ...
speeder's user avatar
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Alternative Cloud9 Collaborative Coding Environment (ASP .NET)

I'm looking for a collaborative coding environment much like Amazon's Cloud9 that supports ASP .NET applications. I didn't think it would be so difficult to find but I'm shocked at the lack of support....
arrchar's user avatar
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Free CMS with user pages, surveys, calendar, wiki, activity log, email, login-protected pages visible by all or some users

I am planning a tabletop RPG campaign. Due to the way I want to run it, I am hoping to set up a website for it. Requirements*: Free - at least for the end users, but I also would rather not pay ...
Ajschuit's user avatar
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Headless CMS for collaborative working on user manual

The Headless CMS I am looking for will be used by approx. 5 developers, creating a user manual. This manual will contain images, rich text, links, tables and lists. The target audience are mostly Non-...
Herr_Schwabullek's user avatar
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collaborative on-prem mind mapping

I am searching for a true collaborative mind map solution like a collab. text editor but just for mind maps. Users should be able to work on the same mind map at the same time. mind map collaborative ...
tmartin's user avatar
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Let multiple users share screens with each other and talk simultaneously

User Story I want to run a weekly non-commercial group that works together (over the Web) on separate screens that are displayed all at once in split screen mode. Examples of Use Social gaming, study ...
got2code's user avatar
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Add help tips for my coworkers to 3rd-party web apps

We have several old inventory-management websites with tons of pages of poorly-documented user settings. The knowledge of how to use these settings and tools is scattered among several people at my ...
browly's user avatar
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Collaborative website for a small research lab

I currently have a wiki website for my research lab. This website is based on MoinMoin 1.9.x. Even though I find it very convenient (especially since it is open source) I am looking for a more ...
Alain's user avatar
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Easy to use field-based, copywriting collaboration tool

I'm looking for a tool that would make easier for our team to manage planned newsletters, blog posts, facebook posts, etc. It needs to be easy for use for non-tech savvy users. It would be nice if ...
user39510's user avatar
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On Premise alternative to

In my company I am partially responsible for the Corporate Identity and one of my favorite tools ( won't work because it is subscription payment only, so now I am looking for alternatives to ...
Knerd's user avatar
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Discussion and Voting System for Company's Internal Code

Internally in my company, many teams has built common applications and packages that other teams are using. The problem is that it is not easy to decide new features to introduce to these applications/...
Husain's user avatar
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Software for offline collaborative writing

I am the secretary of a students' organisation. In our assemblies, me and 2-3 assistants have to take minutes. Until now, we have used Google Docs to edit the file at the same time. However, since it'...
Nick's user avatar
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