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Questions tagged [collection-manager]

This tag is for software that helps one to sort and manage a collection of things. Be them comics, images, games or anything else.

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0 answers

imported collection elements update / create / delete when source has no id of target entities

I am looking for efficient collection update stored in database, with the following assumptions: source has no id of updated / created / deleted records one and only identification is some kind of ...
Gromisław Sosenkowski's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Reference management style software but for generic items

For some time I've tried to find some software that can be used as Zotero or BibDesk but for generic items,i.e. electronic units, or books, or test reports. Zotero would be perfect but the info tab is ...
I. I. Dobón's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Software to catalogue private physical book library

I intend to start cataloguing my private library (approx. 200-300 books) as long as it is still relatively small; what I don't want is to end up with a proprietary file or database format that ties me ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 101
1 vote
0 answers

Something to collect and track data for children's meals

I work at a non-profit organization and they were paying a company that allowed them to use their program. The company is going away. The org I work with serves meals to children at different sites, ...
Luck's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a media manager which can look up / scrape TV show season and episode numbers?

I am looking to organize the TV shows that I have transferred from my Tivo (using Pytivo) for viewing in Kodi. Kodi expects that TV shows video files have the season number and episode number in their ...
Josh's user avatar
  • 305
1 vote
1 answer

Tag MP3s using (user-specified) CDDB Disc ID

I'm usually using Tag&Rename to tag MP3 files, however sometimes it doesn't calculate the Disc ID right (and it's not possible to specify a different one myself). So if I have a Disc ID (and it ...
Felix Dombek's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Free desktop photo organizer/manager

I need an app that does the things below: Allow me to organize my photos with smart features like facial recognition. (Adobe Bridges: no; Google Photos: yes) See my gallery on Android devices via ...
rmb's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
0 answers

Contact management software for a hospital

I am looking for a phonebook software that can help organize how both internal and external telephone numbers are being handled in our hospital. Current situation: Every ward/day clinic has their ...
Pablo Pretzel's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

PHP web software for displaying a collection

I'd like to display a collection of physical items on the web. I have a web host (Bluehost) that uses PHP/MySQL. I'd like to display many photographs of my collection, and perhaps tag entries with ...
Kertis Henderson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cataloging CD/DVD/Blu-ray discs on Linux

I want to catalog my optical data media (backups, documents, whatsnots) so I can find what disk a certain file is on and where that disk is located. I've seen What is a good application to catalog CDs?...
Izzy's user avatar
  • 18.9k
1 vote
0 answers

Collection Management Program

For many years I have developed collection software for a very niche market. Essentially, my software helps users keep track of particular kinds of collectibles and tells them how much their ...
Sean Ray's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
0 answers

Binary "repository" recommendation

At our institute we have large (~200TB) collections of binary data, where the file size may range from KB to GB, but mostly it is in the range of 1-100 MB. We need to store them so project groups can ...
math's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

Collaborative tree/hierarchical note taking software

Requirements: Hierarchical/tree based structuring of notes Multi user (simultaneous access to different notes) Definitely NOT SaaS Not an Emacs/Vim plugin Want (but not need): a GUI tool Libre/Open ...
Xunie's user avatar
  • 201
4 votes
2 answers

Simple and free book library management system (ILS) for a small library

We need help finding a book library management software that would fit our needs: It must be free. It would be great if it is open source, or easily translatable. It must be local / offline / self-...
tofran's user avatar
  • 91
1 vote
0 answers

Calibre-like application for films on Ubuntu

I'm using Calibre on Ubuntu to sort my library, and I've never seen an application so beautiful. This made me wonder - is there a similar application for films and music? I'm looking for something ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
5 votes
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Android app for organizing/tracking of custom collectible cards

I am looking for an Android application to track/organize custom collectible cards/trading cards. I am searching for some time, but either such app doesn't exist or my Google-fu is weak. Do you have ...
Stileth's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes
1 answer

Sort artists by number of tracks including remixes

I have 1.8k different artists in my library of 3.6k songs. I'd like to sort my artists in order of which ones I have the most tracks from, going from the artist with the most total number of tracks to ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Data collections/lists software

I am looking for a software that will allow to create collections/lists of data. Some features: Each collection would allow me to define which table/DB columns that collection would have to hold ...
JasonDavis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Field Data Collection and Automation

My company deals with Close Interval Surveys. We are trying to limit the time spent in the office compiling reports once the source data is collected from the field. My question, is there some type of ...
user25763's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Personal collections management software

I collect both books and stamps, so library management software would be insufficient. I am looking for the following factors in a software package: Mac compatible with a desktop client, rather than ...
NoahM's user avatar
  • 91
0 votes
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Organise videos

I have a huge video collection of TV shows and movies and they are stored on a hard drive shared over Samba and viewed using Kodi on my HTPC. Is there a program on Windows (preferably free) that I ...
user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Pandora-like playlist creation of local library

Sometimes I want to listen to a particular feel of music but my music library is very diverse so not all of it fits in the feel I want to listen to. Right now I have to resort to going to particular ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Android coin scanner & cataloguer

Is there any Android app which can scan coins and help me organize them? Nice to have: free also allows me to import images from other sources image recognition; the app tells me what the coin is ...
Mawg's user avatar
  • 9,175
5 votes
2 answers

Web-based movie collection manager hosted on Linux

I am looking for a web-based movie collection manager that should run on a Linux server. I don't need much, except for a web-based way to index and query a collection of movie files on disk (and ...
Isaac's user avatar
  • 235
2 votes
0 answers

Bluetooth manager for Windows

What is the best Bluetooth management software for Windows (7-10)? The default Bluetooth managers are horrible. Features I'm looking for: (optional) compatibility with Bluetooth-enabled legacy Palm ...
Ulincsys's user avatar
  • 173
1 vote
1 answer

Cross platform podcatcher with a play history

I want to sync podcasts with a crappy underwater MP3 player, and intend to script my way there. I use Pocket Casts on android, and while it does have a "in progress" tracker it doesn't record your ...
Erlja Jkdf.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I need software for small library

I'm looking for a Windows program to list all the names, authors, year of publication, etc. of my books, with good search options. I would like to fill all my books, authors, year of publication, etc....
user777's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
1 answer

Managing offline learning video courses

I am looking for Calibre-like software to manage off-line learning video (such as from coursera, Lynda or from no-name author) courses saved on local disc. All courses can be tagged and filtered by ...
hellboy's user avatar
  • 153
2 votes
1 answer

Software for Respondent-Interactive Mass Data Collection and Verification?

I work as a data consultant in a large hospital, and I need to collect faculty data in massive quantities. Here's my dilemma: many of the data fields that we are collecting are covered in one of our ...
Thomas Marszewski's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Open-source private keys management system

I use many virtual machines on my laptop. I started pushing my code to bitbucket very often from different virtual machines. So I'm forced to geneterate/copy private/public key almost on every ...
user3345632's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Collection database software (self-hosted)

I've been looking for a while for a program to better manage my various collections (DVDs, games, books). Although I've found programs that can do that they are generally local desktop programs which ...
little_boxes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best CMS for managing user collections?

I'd like to build a site for action figure collectors. Users should be able to register accounts, search for items, view items, mark items as "owned" or "wanted". Are there any good off-the-shelf ...
Zachary Reese's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Game collection database software that automatically syncs games from Steam and other online shops?

My (mostly digital) games collection grew so large and the places I shop are so many I fail to keep track of what I own and from where. I am looking for a Windows app where I can keep all my games (...
Riva's user avatar
  • 183
10 votes
3 answers

Movies database software

I have a certain amount of movies stored on my computer and I would like to have a database containing information about these movies. The database should be filled with metadata from IMDb or other ...
user3161330's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Book collection manager on both Linux and Android

I want to maintain my book¹ collection database on both my Linux PC and my Android phone, so I'm looking for some book catalogue software on each platform and a way to synchronize between them. I will ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Book library application

I need a library application for iOS capable to: sync book files with my PC (Windows) search and list files by authors, names, custom tags view files using a book reader app (or support viewing ...
user626528's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What is a good application to catalog CDs?

I have a music collection of 11,000+ CDs stored on shelves in order by artist. I recently purchased a handy barcode scanner (for various reasons) and I would like to scan the UPC of these CDs and ...
user18539's user avatar
  • 141
6 votes
2 answers

Free Wine Cellar Management Software

I am looking for a free software solution to be able to manage and track my personal/private wine collection. There are some wine cellar management software solutions out there (eg: “winebanq“ etc.), ...
e-sushi's user avatar
  • 1,530
15 votes
2 answers

Book management software for library

Is there any kind of system (web or desktop) that allows managing a small library? Users that search for available books, then register taking them out and returning them, admins that add new books as ...
Maria Ines Parnisari's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

"End user friendly" database tool (e.g., for curating a personal collection)

I’m looking for a graphical tool that allows me to create, populate and browse/search databases. Primary use case: Curate a personal collection (e.g., for movies, postage stamps, quotes, …). There ...
unor's user avatar
  • 7,736
7 votes
2 answers

Edit and search/browse image metadata

I have thousands of meme images. Unfortunately, unorganized. Whenever I could need a specific image, it’s nearly impossible to locate it. Now I want to organize my collection by manually adding ...
unor's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Software for creating and publishing game cards

I'm looking for a program that can layout and manage custom cards and tokens for tabletop games (eg. Magic the Gathering, Munchkin, Arkham Horror). I am specifically looking for solutions that ...
Ken Herbert's user avatar
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