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Contact management software for a hospital

I am looking for a phonebook software that can help organize how both internal and external telephone numbers are being handled in our hospital. Current situation: Every ward/day clinic has their ...
Pablo Pretzel's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Simple and free book library management system (ILS) for a small library

We need help finding a book library management software that would fit our needs: It must be free. It would be great if it is open source, or easily translatable. It must be local / offline / self-...
tofran's user avatar
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Data collections/lists software

I am looking for a software that will allow to create collections/lists of data. Some features: Each collection would allow me to define which table/DB columns that collection would have to hold ...
JasonDavis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Software for Respondent-Interactive Mass Data Collection and Verification?

I work as a data consultant in a large hospital, and I need to collect faculty data in massive quantities. Here's my dilemma: many of the data fields that we are collecting are covered in one of our ...
Thomas Marszewski's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Book management software for library

Is there any kind of system (web or desktop) that allows managing a small library? Users that search for available books, then register taking them out and returning them, admins that add new books as ...
Maria Ines Parnisari's user avatar