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Questions tagged [stack-exchange]

Use this tag when looking for programs/extensions/apps that are designed to work with the Stack Exchange platform

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0 answers

Browser extension to suggest forums, tailor questions, and post questions for AIs

I am using AIs, such as OpenAI's Copilot and Phind, for development purposes. These Artificial Idiots sometimes provide incorrect or incomplete answers, and in such cases, human experts have an ...
8ta4's user avatar
  • 11
4 votes
1 answer

'Alternative' way to get notifications on Stack Exchange on Android

I've been hanging on to the old SE Android application - mainly for notifications. The old one is out of support, and removed from the Play store. I'm getting a new phone and might sideload the oldest ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Where can I find a private Stack Overflow with a Knowledge Base feature?

We had a sort of wiki for our company knowledge base (it was made with Google Pages). The issue we have is that a lot of informations becomes outdated very quickely. We think our ideal knowledge base ...
maxime's user avatar
  • 254
1 vote
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Chrome extension for Stack Exchange to extend DOIs into references

I am looking for a Chrome extension for Stack Exchange to extend DOIs into references when writing a question/answer/comment. E.g.: Input: Output: Dundon, J. M., R. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Ubuntu command line client for stackoverflow?

What command line client for StackOverflow is suitable for me? Requirements: OS: Ubuntu support for various StackExchange communities (not only StackOverflow) preferably installable via apt browsing ...
thinwybk's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there any good userscript for stackoverflow text editor?

The most uncomfortable thing I feel with stackoverflow is this text editor : If I want to add code under a numbered list, I need 8 space indent. For example: Test code hello world! But this ...
Mithril's user avatar
  • 141
0 votes
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Online app/text editor to format stack exchange posts

I am looking for a online markup text editor that can do the following - Free to use. Can auto save what I am writing. Allows me to format posts like in SE. I mean if I use the content then the ...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Replace a word by another word in all my Stack Exchange questions and answers

I am looking for a program, browser extension or user script that can replace a word by another word in all my Stack Exchange questions and answers. Any operating system, browser, price or license ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Tweet-deck-like applications for Reddit, Github and Stack Exchange

I really like the tweet-deck model for seeing everything you are subscribed to in one place and with live updates. Are there any applications like this for Reddit, GitHub and Stack Exchange? (Or any ...
Rtsne42's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
1 answer

Subscribing a Gitter Chat / IRC channel to receive Notifications of all new questions of a Tag on Stack Overflow

Our tool often gets questions on stack overflow. They all use its tag. I've seen on Stack Exchange chat, that it can be set up so that questions are automatically reposted from the site, to the chat ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Browser extension to mute a thread on Stack Exchange

I am looking for a browser extension (preferably Chrome) that can mute any activity on a Stack Exchange thread (i.e., prevent the user from receiving notifications triggered by activity on a ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Undoing one's votes on Stack Exchange

I am looking for a program, browser extension or user script, that can undo one's votes on a Stack Exchange website. I'm aware that not all votes can be undone. It shouldn't imply deleting one's ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

StackExchange-like system but with document/file handling

I'm interested in antenna design, which is modeled using small text files (typically under 3 kb). There's no real place to exchange these now, just some files spread around the web. I'd like to fix ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
2 votes
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Stack Exchange chatroom bridge for a desktop chat interface

I was wondering if anyone had a way to take a StackExchange chatroom and create some kind of a bridge to a desktop chat interface like Pidgin. I would like it to meet the following requirements, ...
Tom's user avatar
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Stackoverflow on premise solution or other Q&A/ Support forum site [duplicate]

I know StackOverflow is only public, but I'm looking for free open source software like StackOverflow. The posts I found are really old ones or paid and charge too much for me like AnserHub and ...
Mark T's user avatar
  • 111
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Library to embed a form on a website site to automatically post on Stack Exchange

I would like to embed a form on my website to automatically create questions on Stack Exchange (with a specific tag). I am looking for a library to wrap posting questions on Stack Exchange, so that ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Software Recommondations to keep track of forum posts [closed]

Is there software that can keep track and notify me of new posts across messageboards and sites like StackExchange (across multiple different usernames)? I would like it to have the following ...
PP121's user avatar
  • 41
12 votes
5 answers

Firefox extension to use multiple Stack Exchange accounts

With the launch of the new, global login system of Stack Exchange, using multiple SE accounts are now impractical. [Before your downvote: using multiple SE accounts are completely allowed here.] I ...
peterh's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Chrome notifier for new Stack Exchange filtered questions

I'm looking for a Chrome extension that will notify me (pop a desktop notification) when a new question is posted in any Stack Exchange site according to a Stack Exchange filter (as in http://...
traveh's user avatar
  • 285
4 votes
1 answer

Export Stack Exchange questions to Quora

I'm looking for a program (any OS is fine), script, browser plugin, web-service, or anything else that would allow me to easily export all my Stack Exchange questions to Quora.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Firefox extension/userscript to prevent accepted answer from sticking to top on Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange often places the accepted answer on top of all other answers. I often get tricked into implementing the first answer, only to realize that it is vastly inferior to the second answer, ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.7k
16 votes
1 answer

Userscript or extension to indicate when a Stack Exchange question is scheduled for auto-deletion

Questions on Stack Exchange are subject to auto-deletion rules which are a bit too complex for most people to remember easily. I'd like to know if a question I'm looking at is scheduled for deletion, ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Userscript to show Winterbash hats on meta sites?

Winterbash 2014 is happening! But there is a conspicuous lack of hats on per-site metas. I'd like to see people wearing their hats when viewing a meta post. To that end, I would like to have a ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange offline question writing tool

I often use the Stack Overflow "Ask Question" site as a rubber ducking tool, that is I have to explain my problem by typing it consistently and carry all relevant information into one place etc. It ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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Userscript to add a 'flag' button to deleted Stack Exchange posts

As part of my daily routine, I flag deleted questions on Stack Exchange. Usually, I see something like this: And to flag a deleted post that I can't see, I have to open Postman and fake the POST ...
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2 votes
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Alert when a question on a meta gets upvoted?

I know this isn't very important and all and is a really weird request but here it goes but is it possible for someone to write me up a type of script that can do this and can preferably.... Choose ...
Izumi-reiLuLu's user avatar
3 votes
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Webapp to predict whether a StackExchange site is likely to get closed soon

StackExchange is an always-growing collection of QA sites, new sites are proposed every day at Area51 and they have to go through define, commit, private beta, public beta before becoming a full site. ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.7k
1 vote
1 answer

Chrome Extension to annotate Stack Exchange images

I'm looking for an extension that allows me to annotate the images that are uploaded to imgur by Stack Exchange. This would mean drawing circles / 'drawing' text etc..
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
  • 6,572
4 votes
1 answer

Browser extension to allow copy-and-paste picture insertion to a Stack Exchange question or answer

I'm looking for a browser extension (Google Chrome preferred) that can allow copy-and-paste picture insertion to a Stack Exchange question or answer, just like we can do in the Gmail compose box. I ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Alert when an SE question gets reopened

I am looking for some user script or web service to receive an alert when a question on StackExchange is reopened. I should be able to bookmark which closed question I am interested in. There is no ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Browser extension to hide all the activities of a given user on Stack Exchange

I am looking for a browser extension (preferably Chrome) that can hide all the activities (namely questions, answers and comments) of a given user on Stack Exchange, just like when blocking someone on ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Browser extension to increase the display density on SE meta (and any other SE having the new design)

Some Stack Exchange websites have a new design, which I don't like as it wastes too much space of my screen, which decreases my productivity. Unfortunately, StackExchange provides no option to revert ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Application or web service to alert me whenever one of my StackExchange questions is put on hold / gets on closed

Quite often some of my StackExchange questions is put on hold / gets on closed, unbeknownst to me. I'm looking for an application, browser extension or userscript to scan my questions and alert me ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Browser extension / userscript to add an icon to itemize a list in an answer or question on Stack Exchange

I sometime wants to copy paste a list to a StackExchange question or answer: Connect to the remote computer with IP address and password. Once connected, press function key F8 and click "Options" ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Browser extension to add an icon to upload images from a predefined location in a post on Stack Exchange

I'm looking for a browser extension that can: add an icon and/or a shortcut to upload an image located in a predefined path in an answer or question on Stack Exchange For example, I have defined a ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Browser extension to upload several images at once in an answer or question on Stack Exchange

I'm looking for a browser extension that can: upload several images at once in an answer or question on Stack Exchange And if possible: works on Windows 7 + Google Chrome free
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Is there a StackExchange client for Windows 8?

In playing around with Windows 8, I find that it would be nice to have a dedicated app for it in the 'metro' interface. Must: Have access to all sites Be able to read questions and answers View ...
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