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Questions tagged [mongodb]

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how to efficiently update multiple databases in parallel using gpu (nvidia) in python?

I am working on a Python application where I need to update multiple databases with historical stock data. Here’s a breakdown of the requirements: I have 5 databases, each storing candlestick data for ...
ravk's user avatar
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Performance test between MySQL and MongoDB

I am a beginner in the field of databases and I need to compare the performance between MySQL and MongoDB. For this, I will insert 1 million records and then perform a join. I will measure the ...
Valher7's user avatar
2 votes
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MongoDB schema analyzer (reverse engineering)

I am looking for some free / FOSS tool that could go through my MongoDB data and provide a parsable report of what structure lies there in, and what's the frequency of that. For instance, I have a ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
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What is the ideal database to use for an application that will hold unique user data of an expandable list of dictionaries?

I created a fitness tracker web app, currently I am using mongodb as the database. In my app each day will be a new dictionary of various keys that I will then push to a list in the User Schema. I ...
tester0001's user avatar
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Is there an alternative to MongoDb that allows to easily resolve document references / perform joins?

I tried to establish some document references in the no-sql database MongoDb. It turns out that the document reference DbRef is kind of an outdated features and that it is poorly supported by ...
Stefan's user avatar
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What database should I use for a social media app?

I am planning on developing a social media app but have no idea what database to use. I have been learning to develop android apps and the databases that I have used so far are only SQLite and ...
hypergogeta's user avatar
3 votes
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One do-it-all relational database or multiple stores for different purposes?

(Apologies if this question is better suited to Software Development or DBA!) I'm planning a system to store and view a library of 10-50k documents and am trying to work out the best option for ...
MorayM's user avatar
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Right tools to implement logging and monitoring

My team and I recently started working on a new project. Our project is layered in 3 tiers - client (Winforms Application), middle ware (.NET Core 3.0 Web API), Database (PostgreSQL). I was assigned ...
Jvardas's user avatar
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Is there a macOS native MongoDB GUI?

I'm using Robo 3T at the moment, but a bug that will probably never be fixed is making that difficult for me at the moment. Is there a MongoDB GUI that's native to macOS? I'm a huge fan of Postico and ...
Stefano Palazzo's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to run python on MongoDB without fetching the data?

I work usually on processing data from databases such as Postgres, mysql, and mongoldb where I connect to the database through python script process the data then re-upload it. However, my issue is ...
Maya M's user avatar
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How to structure bus timetable database be used for a public transport app? And what is the recommended approach? noSQL, SQL, API?

I'm very new to cloud data management and to be honest, I don't even know where to start looking! So please be patient if I get some terminologies wrong. I am working on a flutter app that the users ...
pakornpp's user avatar
-1 votes
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What Database type should I use for a scraped data comes from many websites?

I'm building a REST API using NodeJS storing a scraped data that comes from many websites ( the API I'm building is about selling - buying used cars ) There's a potential to scale in the future ...
hesham shawky's user avatar
2 votes
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GUI for MongoDB in Unix

I need a GUI client that: Works on Unix Is free Supports documents editing Is there an app which satisfies these requirements?
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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Mapping Customers DB to my to my databse

I'm trying to connect to various customers and map their databases to my database. I need a tool that I can comfortably map their database column/keys to my keys. currently, I'm writing big mapping ...
Shahar Wider's user avatar
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Database reccomendation for retrival of data (strings, int and float) with python

I'm looking for recommendation for the following: I currently have approximately 10 Million csv file each with the following identical data structure as file attached: I want to transfer all this ...
Pro Girl's user avatar
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Tool to benchmark Sqlite, MongoDB and InfluxDB for embedded systems

So I searched Databases for Embedded systems and ARM processors for data from sensors. I selected 3-4 databases, Sqlite, MongoDB, InfluxDB and maybe Prometheus. I would like to compare them so I would ...
Beldramma's user avatar
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WiredTiger .wt file parser (MongoDB)

Is there any tool or piece of code or any library of any language that can help to extract data from .wt file (WiredTiger) of mongodb?
user54075's user avatar
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File-based database: Sqlite, MongoDb or else?

I am looking for a file-based database solution, where the original inputs are in csv format. Key info: One complete dataset is a static collection of files. However, I will need to have multiple ...
user1221647's user avatar
-2 votes
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What software should i use to create a ERP SYSTEM?

i would like you help me with this question. if you have to make a software ERP , with modules like Human Resource, Inventory, Sales & Marketing, Purches, Finance & Accounting, Customer ...
Michael javier mota's user avatar
1 vote
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Browser based GUI tool for MongoDB on AWS-Linux-server

I want to know if there is any browser based GUI tools available for MongoDB to use on AWS-Linux-Server. I just want to view the collections of Mongo.
Nagarajan R's user avatar
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What database can be periodically exported to a sheet of an Excel file? [closed]

I'm developing a web-scraping tool by Python for my own use. I will run regularly the Python program to write data to a database. I hope with not too much manipulation/script we can export data from ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Docker High Availability for Stateful Applications Between Geographically Distant Datacenters

What is the FOSS solution that provides High Availability to stateful docker apps between geographically dispersed data centers? OS: CentOS 7 FOSS: no support contract Specific requirements: HA/...
Alex's user avatar
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What is a good tool to monitor a web application?

Sorry if this question is too vague, wasn't sure where/how else to ask this. We are building an online food ordering application which has 3 separate dashboards. User Dashboard User's Company ...
joeldenly's user avatar
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What database to use for CRM web app?

I want to develop Java based CRM starting from scratch. I have noticed many notable open source CRM use Postgres. I need to choose between MongoDb and Postgres. I prefer MongoDb because there will be ...
user61766's user avatar
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Whats the easiest way to construct MongoDB with database forms?

Looking for a shortcut to create a mongoDB Model, Forms, Form Elements etc, as I'm lazy and currently have to hand craft all the Schemas, etc and tie it all together manually in code... Isn't there an ...
mrSidX's user avatar
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Boilerplate project for MERN stack?

I have an elementary knowledge of the MERN ecosystem, that is to say that I have successfully created simple CRUD applications using Express JS, React JS, Redux and MongoDB with Node JS and Webpack. I ...
Shashank's user avatar
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Non-Windows-based BI software that can be easily connected to MongoDB

I have a website that is built on MongoDB. I am tracking its KPIs: visitors, visits. I want to analyze these data in real time by a BI software. So I am looking for a BI software: can be easily ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Software to build dashboards from MongoDB data

Is there any cloud or self-hosted tool that I can connect to my DB, build queries, and then create beautiful dashboards with plots, tables, and so on with the data retrieved from the queries? The ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Third-party authentification library for the MEAN stack

I have already created a website using MEAN. Now, I want to add an authentication page, from where we can sign in with Google, GitHub, Facebook and LinkedIn, or sign up with an email, like follows. ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Free MongoDB storage engine

In MongoDB docs here, you will find that the listed MongoDB storage engines are: WiredTiger MMAPv1 In-Memory Storage Engine Are there any other storage engines available? Must be free, or even open ...
Temp O'rary's user avatar
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GUI tool for MongoDB in Ubuntu server

We use a Ubuntu server to host a mean-stack application. Normally, we connect with the server by ssh. We realise that there are a lot of manipulation and modification around the MongoDB database. So ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Perform business intelligence on google analytics data stored in MongoDB

I have Google analytics data ( dimensions and metrics) stored in a mongoDB database and I would like to query this data in a MDX style, then display it on the software I am working on. I was wondering ...
Nabil's user avatar
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Scalable RDBMS alternative, NoSQL, NewSQL

I am looking for scalable alternative to traditional DBMS like PostgreSQL or MySQL. In traditional databases I don't have the following features: Auto sharding to ensure linear scalability. ...
Georgy Savva's user avatar
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What would be a modern PHP tool to administer MongoDB?

I'm looking for a modern tool to administer my Mongo database via web interface (like phpMyAdmin). I want it in PHP (so no MongoUI) and using MongoDB extension not the already deprecated Mongo ...
Kalmar's user avatar
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Business Analytics (static/batch) for MongoDB (without ETL if possible)

I am working in a startup and we need to setup some analytics / data-browsing so non-tech users can browse the data and produce/save some reports. The database is running MongoDB and I'd like to ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
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Severalnines Clustercontrol Alternative software?

I have been dealing with ClusterControl software to provision MySQL cluster and monitor and scale from last few weeks. But they are not really responsive I tried to reach them to get a quote but they ...
Yousaf's user avatar
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Store billions of rows with no relation

I'm going to receive a large group of CSV files daily. Additionally I have 1 billion records of data (from those CSV files) but its not a fixed number (1b records daily). They're going to be growing ...
Ario's user avatar
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4 votes
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MongoDB vs Cassandra - Which one is best for Internet of Things Data [closed]

Recently one of my client asked me to take a decision on choosing database for one Industrial project (Where there may be lots of sensors including Camera for photos or Videos) - Where data flow is ...
AskMe's user avatar
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rsync/diff like tool for MongoDB

I'm looking for a tool that will compare two mongo databases and let you sync specific documents one direction or another. There's the tool by 3T, but IMO it's way overpriced for this kind of thing. ...
ffxsam's user avatar
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Mongodb like system with permissions over sections

I would like to know if there is some sort of web app that works like PHPMyAdmin in the sense that it is basically a web interface for a database, which, in my case, is mongodb. Unlike phpmyadmin ...
gjvnq's user avatar
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Which database to use for tracking URL visits?

I'm building a SAAS webcrawler. I would like to store information which URL was crawled by the user. I'm expecting this table to grow initially by 5-10 MB/month, later maybe up to 40 MB/month. The ...
Fabian Lurz's user avatar
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Python Django with MongoDB with Hadoop

For my Final year project I have to make a big data application. So far the sketch of the overall project includes these three ( Django, MongoDb, Hadoop ). But I am not sure they will work together ...
Umer's user avatar
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Is there any alternative software for JSON Studio?

Is there any alternative software for JSON Studio that would be free to use or probably opensource? I have to use Jsonstudio for its interactivity handling json documents stored in MongoDb. It also ...
Umer's user avatar
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Ready-to-use Open Source ecommerce using Node.js and MongoDB

Is there a cart system ready for merchandise developed in Node.js? I've googled a lot but found only alpha and beta projects. More precise I am looking for something like this: The cart system ...
Claudiu Creanga's user avatar
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ASP.NET forum with MongoDB

I am trying to find an a forum engine that is built with ASP.NET and MongoDB. I have found a lot of forum engines that are open source with ASP.NET and MSSQL and MySQL but none with MongoDB. ...
Fady Magdy Naguib's user avatar
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Is there a Mongo query parser around for JavaScript?

I'm looking for something that can parse and manipulate Mongo queries similar to this: but for JavaScript. The primary thing I'd like to do with something ...
B T's user avatar
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Store GPS information in database

I need to continuously collect the location details of our users (say around 100K, at a frequency of 10 sec). What I am interested in is list of users near a particular location (i.e., I don't usually ...
mintuhouse's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

MongoDB database administration GUI

Please suggest a good GUI-based tool for MongoDB database administration. Requirements: Connect to DB on local or network server. Data view and editing features. Free or Open Source Support Indexing ...
rahulroy9202's user avatar
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