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Questions tagged [clustering]

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Platform Automation Overview

We have Code (terraform, ansible) developed to spin up and maintain clusters like cassandra and kafka for our internal developers. For this we have a template repo which defines a "golden path&...
der_wolle's user avatar
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Free C++ library implementing hierarchical clustering or alike

Which can cluster small number of points by the given maximum distance between them. Two dimensions only.
noname7619's user avatar
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Open source SQL database scalable on commodity hardware?

Is there an open source SQL database specifically designed or optimized for scaling on clusters built from commodity hardware? In other words, something that does for data what Beowulf clusters did ...
Tech Inquisitor's user avatar
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How to manage docker-compose with one machine per user architecture?

We are deploying a Java backend and React UI application using docker-compose. Our Docker containers are running Java, Caddy, and Postgres. What's unusual about this architecture is that we are not ...
greymatter's user avatar
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Distributed data storage recommendations in mixed operating system environment for Python applications (Hadoop vs Databricks vs others)

I'm working on a big data project and have several old on-prem servers running a mix of operating systems (Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows 2012, Windows 10). One of the big reasons I would like a distributed ...
dan's user avatar
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Setup a Fedora-based Kubernetes cluster knowing I'll need VMs

I'm new to Kubernetes, and trying to figure out the best way to handle VMs in my particular (homelab) setup. Specifically, I need a software to handle the integration between Kubernetes and the VM ...
xenrelay's user avatar
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Is there a way to separate the rows of table in multiples machines (PostgreSQL)?

I have a application (Postgres) where there are a lot of rows (over millions) and I have to make a lot of INSERTs and SELECTs at the same time. And I'm thinking to make a cluster of machines. I tried ...
Vinicius Morais's user avatar
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How can i run my service on a clustered environment?

How can i run my service on a clustered environment ? Any products out there to help me out. This product should take care of managing the cluster, cluster failover, rebalancing in case of node ...
Ankit Srivastava's user avatar
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Lightweight parallel job scheduling engine

I'm looking for a simple, lightweight parallel job scheduling engine, for the following workflow (in this example, from a shell): $ createpool -n 2 # create a worker pool with 2 workers $ ...
jjkparker's user avatar
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Severalnines Clustercontrol Alternative software?

I have been dealing with ClusterControl software to provision MySQL cluster and monitor and scale from last few weeks. But they are not really responsive I tried to reach them to get a quote but they ...
Yousaf's user avatar
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Database recommendation for distributed email archive with attachments

I'm looking for a database engine that will be used as e-mail storage solution Each record will represent email with all typical fields: sender recipient cc/bcc subject body text only version of ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Analyze files and documents contents and suggest folder structure and clustering

I need a Windows software that: analyzes my files (docs, spreadsheets, images, PDF, presentations, etc.) and their contents suggests a folder structure and clustering for managing and storing files ...
Great Lightning's user avatar
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How can I best implement a cluster for my .NET 4.5 Console Application (or Windows Service)

My application most closely resembles that of a market trading application. It is a .NET 4.5 Console Application written in C# (could be converted to a Windows Service), using Entity Framework 6, and ...
Ed Landau's user avatar
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Is there software to group similar parts of a text file while keeping the original location associated?

This probably doesn't exist, but maybe? When dealing with a corpus of text, sometimes it is useful to organize its parts manually or automatically by topics. These could then be visually grouped ...
puslet88's user avatar
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Java webservice client handling failover/cluster of webservice server

I am looking for a Java library that could help me invoke a webservice method and that can handle multiple webservers in case some of them are not responding. The idea is to enable failover when a ...
Guillaume Polet's user avatar
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Alternatives to jGroups? Zookeeper?

Currently I am working on a distributed application which uses jGroups to ensure failover, high availability and performance. -> Trigger existing nodes when a new node joins -> Trigger other ...
randomcompiler's user avatar
4 votes
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Appropriate Clustering software

I am writing my master's thesis on Music Information Retrieval and Visualisation of music collections. In order to visualise a collection of music tracks, I am looking for an appropriate (and ...
Wim Lauwers's user avatar
11 votes
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Open Source Java Solution to distribute jobs and start multiple JVM workers

Goal I am looking for an Open Source Java Solution that can be used in a small (2-4) cluster of linux machines. You can think on this like a farm of processing worker servers that are just listening ...
Leo's user avatar
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Game demo that leverages cluster computing in an easily understandable way

I am looking for a game demo that leverages cluster computing in an easily understandable way. At the demo, highschool students looking at the screens of the computers in the cluster would think: ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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