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Questions tagged [charts]

graphical representation of data. Charts can help you visualize vast amounts of data in a way that is easily understood.

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Self-hosted dashboard service for glueing together pre-made Vega plots

I'm using the Vega visualization grammar to build custom diagrams. Some of these diagrams have interactive elements (e.g. sliders and checkboxes) using Vega's bind parameters. I'd like to embed our ...
Socowi's user avatar
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Comprehensive hand do compendium and paraphernalia app

I am looking for a compete hand and finger drawing represention and animation app (would be nice if the app ran on smartphones, such as Android). The app should ideally show how to make animations of ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
4 votes
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Options to animate IT diagrams

I really want to have one software that will allow me to animate my diagrams (mostly on IT) to have something like this or this one, or in the style of ByteByteGo. Oh, and I already know has ...
devio's user avatar
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2 answers

Software or web-app to draw diagrams that appear hand-drawn

I'm looking for software / online app (web-app) that is able to draw some cool diagrams like these: The first one is from JSNation presentation:
Hamed Mahmoudkhani's user avatar
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Open source React timeline UI component, similar to those used in video editing or multi-track audio editing?

I'm looking for an open source React component that would let users drag and resize blocks horizontally over a timeline within different "swimlanes", similar to what you might see in a video ...
rewbs's user avatar
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1 answer

Best tool to create casual link chart/evidence board

I would like to have a space, kind of like a scrapbook, where I can link specific pieces of information based on some mutual trait that they share (e.g. link news articles about a specific event to ...
CyberStrength's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Free charting tool for JavaScript that can handle 1million points

I am looking for a free charting tool for JavaScript that can help me plot around 1 Millions Points easily and charts looks attractive. well I have tried using fallowing charts. Chart.js zing Charts ...
jin phatan's user avatar
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Easy-to-use software to draw circle charts

I'm looking for a software which allows me to draw this kind of charts (with circles, flows, texts): Blocks to illustrate software modular: Previously, when I needed to draw basic diagrams, I used ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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1 answer

Interdependent Organization charts, Relationship maps and Business process diagrams

I’m looking for a recommendation for a software (or possibly a collection of mutually compatible softwares) capable of creating Organization Charts, Relationship Maps and Business Process Diagrams. ...
Jakub Holan's user avatar
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Need a label generator utility

I need a utility that can be integrated with Java and can generate label (attached) by passing the values dynamically. The utility can be paid. I am looking for multiple labels on a sheet, such as A4 ...
romil gaurav's user avatar
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searching web process / flow chart library like in sapui5

I'm searching a javascript chart library, which is similar like: sadly, this ...
DubZ's user avatar
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2 answers

opendata : Web interface to let anyone create charts from my data

I'd like to make data publicly available (opendata) to anyone, and let users create their own charts from my data. Ideally, they would be able to select the type of graph their want, group data into ...
Raphael's user avatar
3 votes
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Open-source software to automatically generate simple flow chart

I want to programmatically create small, really simple flow charts like the one below: Source: What is a good open-source software choice to ...
rattlesnake's user avatar
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3 answers

Interactive software diagrams or charting tool

I want to create several documents that map/describe my company's Software Systems. What are the recommended tools for that ? I have been using (non interactive). Have stumbled across ...
Veverke's user avatar
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JavaScript library which lets you combine seemingly unrelated charts

Let me keep it quick and simple before giving anymore context. Can someone recommend me a JavaScript library which: Lets you combine seemingly unrelated charts. E.g. Gantt chart and line chart => ...
Jochem Van Hespen's user avatar
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High performance Charts for live data on web browser

I'm trying to make a Arduino Science Journal App, but for web. My problem is the performance with the charts, most of the charts say "High performance, over 100k points", but statics points ...
DrakoPD's user avatar
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2 answers

JavaScript library for candlestick charts stacked ontop of volume bars, with pictures on top of the data points

I need a javascript charting library that will fit my needs as I will elaborate. I need to be able to create multi series candlestick charts stacked ontop of volume bars, and I also need to be draw ...
user904542's user avatar
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2 answers

Which is the best graph chart plugins for web application?

We are looking for chart library (open source) for implementation. It came too many from that we choose CHART.JS & GOOGLE CHART for the development. Please help us to know which is better? In all ...
Gopipuli's user avatar
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Online chart with API to upload new data

I'd like to provide a chart and include into an email which is created by some powershell code. I am looking for a free online service that can render a chart based on my data (I want to upload a file ...
hazjack's user avatar
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Library to create chart in c#

I have a .Net Core 3.1 console application. The goal is to read data from an Excel document and save it in a database. Then various charts should be created from the data stored in the database. ...
Ggismo's user avatar
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4 answers

Chart library suggestion request

I have to find a library that is capable of creating charts, like the one in the picture. I have tried Chart.js and AnyChart, but they don't seem to be able to handle a chart like below. The scenario ...
Krisztián Dudás's user avatar
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Free options of dynamic Gantt chart plugin for JIRA

I am looking for a free plugin for a Gantt chart in JIRA. I searched a lot but it seems that most of them are non-free. I am not sure if there exist such kind of plugin that can implement dynamic ...
ThomasIsCoding's user avatar
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Is there a WPF library with chord-graphs?

I am building an application in WPF and I would like to implement a chord graph (like these Is there a library (NUGET ...
CommanderguyonYT 01's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Javascript chart library with noscript fallback support

What are some libraries for generating dynamic javascript charts that also provide fallback support to users without JS? I'm looking at adding graphs to a website. I really like the way chart.js ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
2 votes
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Chart plotting for oscilloscope-like exploration: zoom, cursors

I have time-series data (daily values for a few years in CSV) that I want to plot for personal, casual use. I want to pan around, zoom in/out, and quickly check individual values with one or more ...
hmijail's user avatar
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What tool can I use to draw flowcharts combined with sequence charts?

A picture to explains what I mean flowcharts combined with sequence charts (and also the Chinese words there) So there are 4 participants here (on the top) to collaborate in the event to finish a ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
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Looking for Interactive Charting Software

Looking for charting/visualization software that will provide an interactive line chart. It will need to render tabular data graphically (line or scatter chart). My additional requirement is that ...
ctroyp's user avatar
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Library to generate chart similar to the Libra App

I'm looking for an Android library that will allow me to generate a chart similar to the Libra app. Another example can be found in Hacker's Diet. What chart type is this?
who_lee_oh's user avatar
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Scatter chart with multiple xaxis: top and bottom, grouped

Looking for chart library that allows multiple x axis, and allows those xaxis to be displayed both at top and bottom, in a way that top xaxis groups multiple bottom xaxis steps into one group. To ...
LPodolski's user avatar
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1 answer

Astrology Software for Linux

Is there any astrology software for Linux? I have looked at astrology_Linux and I have tried the software in the list. But I have run into various issues; I am new to Linux and I don't like building ...
Snack_Food_Termite's user avatar
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Good, free software for candlestick charting (using CSV or text input file)

I am looking for Desktop software which takes Daily Open/Close/High/Low (and possibly Volume) input as csv or any text format. I already have Excel but I found several shortcomings with Excel If ...
user93353's user avatar
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Interesting SQL queries for business intelligence and analytics

I'm looking for recommendations for either software (or a book) with lot's of cool SQL queries. The one's you use to view data in way's you'd see in a management board meeting. The software should be ...
Jeremy Thompson's user avatar
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3D Stacked Bar Chart GUI using Qt?

I am searching for a library I can use with C++ Qt preferably or PyQt, that can draw 3D Stacked Bars Chart as this picture, I have already found some libraries that can draw stacked charts but in 2D ...
Mohammed Hesham's user avatar
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X-Axis zoomable(scroll-zoom) or time interval button JavaScript Charting Library

I'd like to create charts with jQuery library. It must have these: Multiple bars and lines (more then 10). Single X-axes but dual Y-axis Stacked columns bars and lines X-Axis time series X-Axis ...
EZone Lai's user avatar
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Free Highcharts Alternatives?

I made an ASP.NET MVC Project, where I use Highchart. The chart has columns and a line. Now the company I make this project for said, that they do not want to pay for a highchart license so I have to ...
Flo Hab's user avatar
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How to calculate and graph risk & total return for 30 million portfolios (similar to MVO/efficient frontier)

I generated all 30 million portfolios in Excel 2016 (Windows 7), and currently can graph about 5 million of them but it takes forever. I have 1-12 assets in each portfolio, and the annual total ...
MK19's user avatar
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Data visualization for webapps?

I have a Postgres database that feeds into a webapp. I would like my users to be able to run set inquiries on the database to get real-time reports and export data as .csv files. They would not be ...
Carlene's user avatar
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3 answers

Free JavaScript Charting Library

Please suggest some free JavaScript charting library. I need it for basic usage for gauge and line chart creation. (Highchart and Canvas.js are not free for commercial use). I need to create a gauge ...
Priya's user avatar
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Data visualization components to show structure of RoR application

I tried to find the best data visualization component for a Rails app, but I found only a few possibilities. The best component what I found is Highchart organisation graph, but I need something ...
Markéta's user avatar
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iOS - real time live chart that plots data from my sensors in Swift

Hey I am building my first iOS/Swift app and I need a free open source or cheap framework for charts. I need a line chart with two datasets and it would be perfect if it would be live/real time. ...
mx1txm's user avatar
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Javascript Org Chart with grouping functionality

I'm looking for a Javascript Org Chart library which I can use for a noncommercial educational project. Till now I used the great, but now I have to put it online and the HTML exporter has few ...
geraldo's user avatar
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Tool to draw component diagrams

I am looking for some tool to draw component diagram, something like mermaid , "a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text " Sadly mermaid doesn't support component ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
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Most simple way from data to chart

I have data like this: x;file-size;duration;mem-size 0;0;0.04456615448;478359552 1;10040000;0.39223408699;562151424 2;20080000;0.725513935089;585662464 3;30120000;1.0728430748;615784448 4;40160000;1....
guettli's user avatar
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html5/canvas/js component/chart for time data visualization that support both client-side zoom and server-side downsampling

I search for html5/canvas/js chart component for time data visualization that support both client-side zoom and server-side downsampling I mean JS widget that provides API to handle zoom event and ...
Roman Pokrovskij's user avatar
4 votes
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Graphic timeline generation tool

I would like to generate timelines for entites, such as this one: I need a tool with support for as many as possible of the following features: Splits Merges Marked points along lines in the chart ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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radar chart with boxplot

I have a radar/spider chart. The input to this chart can be in the format as shown: [23, 34, 54, [4, 3, 67], 45, 5] When there is a single value, it is shown as a data point, but when it is an ...
user3905254's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Looking for a charting Library for JS and React allowing for Zoom

I am currently rebuilding a previously staic-html+Native js web-page with React. I am therefor looking into different libraries to create a line-chart using Javascript. The chart was previously ...
MTTI's user avatar
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REST API for creating charts from JSON data

I am in search of an REST API to convert JSON data to charts and then get back as image. There were many available of this kind, but all are specific language-based client libraries or SDKs. However I ...
mariappan .gameo's user avatar
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Alternative to flotchart jquery lib

I am looking at a more recent and modern chart js library than flot. My problem with flot is that it does not support well mobile and tablet. At the last resort, I will have to use myself hammer.js ...
solsTiCe's user avatar
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Libs & Technology to help me build a Mareys Chart

I am in need of a component to show and interact with a Marey's Chart. For those who are not familiar, a Merey's Chart is a chart to visualize train movements in a Time x Location axis. Much like ...
João Menighin's user avatar