I am looking at a more recent and modern chart js library than flot.
My problem with flot is that it does not support well mobile and tablet. At the last resort, I will have to use myself hammer.js to code something. But if that would come built-in or with some plugin with another library, that would be nice.
I tried chart.js, and it is slow to render my data (which are not that huge). Zooming is slow. I don't know if there is something to configure here. Panning does not work. I can't find help to debug this. No IRC, no forum.
I tried taucharts. Which is huge in size, coming with d3. And very slow to render my data. I did not see anything to zoom or pan, yet. May be I have not looked well.
I tried echarts. But I couldn't make it work I don't know why. I got an error and I can't debug this. My fault here.
So I am looking for something as lightweight as possible coming with zoom/pan built-in or with plugin.