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3 votes

Log analysis tool, shows a timeline of event frequency

Use sed to insert a ; character just after the timestamp: sed -i -e "s/^\(..\):\(..\):\(..\),\(...\) /\1:\2:\3,\4;/" $FILE Open the CSV file with LibreOffice Calc, make sure to choose the right ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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2 votes

Mac OS X log file viewer

Check out Log Transformer. It also has most of the features on your list including: Row Highlighting. Write regular expressions (or just simple text matches) and define the color and format (bold/...
charlieb's user avatar
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2 votes

Log viewer with JSON support

Found this free library on GitHub which I had used earlier. Log viewer converts the patch of text into individual blocks of json data for easy viewing of large logs of json files. Additionally the log ...
Ankit Shah's user avatar
2 votes

Looking for a OSX alternative for baretail

Another alternative i just found is lnav from Source is available on Github. lnav is a highly configurable log viewer packed with features. I has coloring, filtering, advanced querying, ...
Ton Machielsen's user avatar
2 votes

How to view log or text files of remote computer in browser?

Your question is a vague, but I think I know what you are asking. You could set up an Apache web server to allow directory listing and set the log files to be in the served directory (default on ...
Gordon's user avatar
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2 votes

Show unique log statements

Typically date, time, thread, etc. are at the start of a log line. Often, will either be a fixed count of characters, or delimited by some character like a comma or colon. Simply take your log file, ...
ivanivan's user avatar
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1 vote

Software for parsing and displaying log data in a structured way

I wrote a log viewer loxx (as replacement of baretail supporting some more features - including simple graphic ouputss). I think it can fulfill most or all of your requirements. You can write also ...
mommos's user avatar
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1 vote

Best value-for-money hosted Centralized Logs and Metrics

Although Netdata does not offer log retaining at the moment, we do have a quite powerful log parser, with a lot of charts and alarms out-of-the-box. Here is a guide on how to set it up for NginX and ...
odysseas lamtzidis's user avatar
1 vote

What node library should I use for managing logs?

Logstash is a tool to process and transform data from multiple sources. As you might guess from the name, is mainly used to extract and format data from logs and send it to a storage (e.g: Elastic ...
Gonzalo Matheu's user avatar
1 vote

API to parse log files

Splunk You can try Splunk, an advanced analysis monitoring software. Can be used as a tool for collecting, monitoring, visualizing and analyzing machine data from any source. It's a commercial one, ...
kenorb's user avatar
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1 vote

Log viewer with JSON support

For those looking for a log viewer with JSON support, I highly recommend json-log-viewer. json-log-viewer is an efficient and user-friendly tool that offers the following features: Native JSON ...
David Goitia's user avatar
1 vote

Log viewer with JSON support

You can visualize JSON log at console very easily with munia-pretty-json and there are many options to filter and color the JSON keys. Your json data (app-log.json) {"time":"2021-06-...
Gagan's user avatar
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1 vote

Merge logs by timestamps

Try Super Speedy Syslog Searcher (assuming you have rust installed) cargo install super_speedy_syslog_searcher then s4 log1 log2 ... It will print the passed log files contents, sorting log messages ...
JamesThomasMoon's user avatar
1 vote

What would be good log parser GUI tool?

There is a Logstash, an open source server-side data processing pipeline that can transport and process your logs, events, or other data. Logstash is known for its extensibility, as there are hundreds ...
kenorb's user avatar
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