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5 votes

Free binary file editor that shows byte values in binary and/or decimal

The latest update of HxD was released in July 2018 and among its new features is the Data Inspector. This is a display pane which is open by default and shows various interpretations of the data at ...
John Y's user avatar
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3 votes

I need a software that can software hex number as it shape in hex editor?

I recommend HxD, since it works on Windows is gratis (HxD is free of charge for private and commercial use) can copy selected bytes as shown in the editor Here's how it works: And in the clipboard ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
2 votes

Editor that can edit UTF-8 texts that contain non-printable characters

Give the CudaText a try. Free, open source For MacOS, Linux, Windows Supports binary files, via showing non-text chars like "x00" for 0-char, and keeps these chars on saving correctly
UserPt's user avatar
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1 vote

Hex viewer with comparison on Linux

vbindiff It has TUI, no GUI. It reloads when file changed.
Bob Johnson's user avatar
1 vote

I need a software that can software hex number as it shape in hex editor?

wxHexEditor, which is available for Windows, claims to support this. From the wiki page dedicated to this "CopyAs" feature... Before, sharing an hex information is a really painful ...
Lance U. Matthews's user avatar
1 vote

Solaris SunOS 5.11 Hex Editor

As author of Delta Hex Editor plugin (nice to hear someone is actually using it), I would like to note, that there is also standalone Java/Swing application available on Should ...
HajdaM's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

Is there a text editor that can convert Base 2 to hex?

CudaText editor has plugin. It reads current buffer as list of base-2 numbers, writes list of hex to a new tab. Download
RProgram's user avatar
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Hex editor to open remote files

You can use Vim editor with xxd command, e.g. vim -b +'% !xxd' See: How to edit binary files with Vim?
kenorb's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a program that can compare binary files and merge individual blocks of non-identical data into a file?

Whenever I need to compare, synchronize or merge contents of drives, folders or files I use Beyond Compare. It's very powerful and fast (I've linked the feature list, have a look). I've attached an ...
coreuter's user avatar
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1 vote

I need a software that can find same value between 2 hex file

Beyond Comapre has hex comparison. The hex comapre shows differences byte-by-byte in a typcial hex hump layout.
Mawg's user avatar
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1 vote

Tools for learning binary file formats

Hachoir ( is the library to consider. It is free, open source, is written in Python, installable via pip install hachoir3. Command-line tools using Hachoir parsers: ...
Snippet's user avatar
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1 vote

Tools for learning binary file formats

I use my Binary Editor for this kind of task. Certainly not as pretty as 010 Editor (its a text mode program), but decodes quite a few file formats and is user extendable.
Andy Key's user avatar
1 vote

Windows Hex Viewer/Editor with Map of data & Regex Searching, preferrably Portable

For those who are looking for such a tool, I can recommend my Hextor ( ). It can open files, logical and physical drives; It can show graphical (...
Grigoriy Mylnikov's user avatar

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