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3 votes

Text/hex editor that supports mixed line-endings

CudaText is free and multi-platform, it supports mixed line endings. Also it don't break binary files on saving, including all text files. I recommend to ...
psdfe's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

Extract contents of a binary file

PhotoRec is able to detect a hundred different types of files, even when mixed in random binary containing files. It is initially meant to work on hard disk partitions, but it works on files too (just ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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2 votes

Binary excutable file reader and editor for the MiniPro TL866 Chip Programmer

I have a MiniPro TL866 programmer which uses binary files. Many other things use binary files as well, e.g. Word files (.DOC) are binary, Windows Executables (.EXE) are binary and Linux Executables ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
1 vote

Finding a binary in a binary

This is a one-liner in many programming languages. For example, in Python, supposing the larger file is named "haystack" and the file you want to find inside it is named "needle": $...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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1 vote

Hex viewer with comparison on Linux

vbindiff It has TUI, no GUI. It reloads when file changed.
Bob Johnson's user avatar
1 vote

python binary file manipulation

This seems to be ok with open(file_name,"r+b") as f: mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(),0) p_f = 10 source_frame_array = bytearray(100) source_frame_array = () f.close() with open(...
Peter Mason's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a program that can compare binary files and merge individual blocks of non-identical data into a file?

Whenever I need to compare, synchronize or merge contents of drives, folders or files I use Beyond Compare. It's very powerful and fast (I've linked the feature list, have a look). I've attached an ...
coreuter's user avatar
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1 vote

Tools for learning binary file formats

Hachoir ( is the library to consider. It is free, open source, is written in Python, installable via pip install hachoir3. Command-line tools using Hachoir parsers: ...
Snippet's user avatar
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1 vote

Tools for learning binary file formats

I use my Binary Editor for this kind of task. Certainly not as pretty as 010 Editor (its a text mode program), but decodes quite a few file formats and is user extendable.
Andy Key's user avatar

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