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3 votes

Determine file type from its content (not trusting the .extension)

I used to work for the French National Library, to build an digital archive system that contains not only digitized books but also millions of digital artefacts with all kinds of strange file types. ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.5k
2 votes

Open and visually browse large CSV files

I've been using EmEditor for years. Can open practically any size file (up to 248GB realistically) and can split CSV and other delimited text into columns. With tons of other features. There's a ...
BlueGI's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes

ODT (LibreOffice) support on iOS

There are a few solutions that try to offer the full LibreOffice experience on Android / iOS, but those are usually very big and a bit clunky to use. As a lightweight solution on both iOS and Android ...
TomTasche's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes

Determine file type from its content (not trusting the .extension)

file is available on Linux and Mac, plus Windows plus Cygwin or similar. It is free, open source and identifies files via magic number mostly. Its database of formats is not very extensive. It ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
  • 19.5k
2 votes

Determine file type from its content (not trusting the .extension)

There are several tools out there that could be useful. Here is a page from forensicsWiki that provides a consolidated list. Apache Tika seems to be the most promising since it is open source, cross ...
ARau's user avatar
  • 504
2 votes

Tool to validate the integrity of my data files

The File Information Tool Set (FITS) bundles an array of tools for identifying and validating files, as well as extracting technical metadata. Basically, it generates an XML file, with the outputs ...
giodi's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

C/C++ header-only library to read and write image files?

You could try CImg. It uses C++ class templates to represent images, with T meaning what each pixel would be stored as. It consists of only a single header CImg.h. Great features of it include how ...
Aaron Liu's user avatar
  • 177
1 vote

Open files in different software based on file signature (not extension) in Windows

Before Software Recommendations existed, I posted the same question on SuperUser, and ended up solving it myself with a python script: which is now here: https://...
endolith's user avatar
  • 219
1 vote

svg 2 dxf conversion

The company I work for has a library for Windows that supports many vector formats, including SVG and DXF. Although the vector DLLs are mainly for C/C++, it should be easy to call them from other ...
Amin M. Dodin's user avatar
1 vote

Looking for Software that does "Part Oriented" Text File Encryption and/or Archive File Encryption

What you're looking for sounds awfully specific... it's unlikely that something exists that will do exactly what you want out of the box. However, if you're willing to write some code, this might not ...
Josh's user avatar
  • 238
1 vote

Tool to validate the integrity of my data files

There is a ready-made solution. Use Veretino. A cross-platform open source app for calculating and verifying a large number of checksums, and generally verifying the integrity of a large amount of ...
Archivarius's user avatar
1 vote

ODT (LibreOffice) support on iOS

There is an app for ios named OOReader that will read ODT files. Its free and is available from the app store.
Natsfan's user avatar
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1 vote

Program that can display real types of files in a directory

The Linux/Unix/Gnu file utility can do that , and it should be available in the Windows/Linux Subsystem thing. If not, there were Win32 builds available which may work on a Win 10 64bit machine, and ...
ivanivan's user avatar
  • 2,498
1 vote

need software for unknown audio format

Try Audacity. Import as raw 8-bit file.
jsotola's user avatar
  • 126
1 vote

Automatically detecting and carving images from .doc, .docx and spreadsheets

Python docx2txt is exactly what you're looking for. Usage: docx2txt -i /tmp/img_dir file.docx Multiple files may be strung together and processed, either with a BATCH (.bat) script, SHEBANG (.sh) ...
user96931's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

JSON-like format which supports binary data

I think that the best option for you is BSON: BSON is based on JSON so it will be an easier transition from JSON than Protocol Buffers. This page links to implementations in both python and Java (and ...
Gordon's user avatar
  • 179
1 vote

Files recovered but won't open

Nowadays this is very often caused by TRIM. TRIM is an ATA command which allows the OS to inform the drive about ranges of LBA sectors the drive can use as it pleases. This is useful for SSD drives as ...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
1 vote

2d game engines that support reading external resources

I've used LibGDX, and also some other popular frameworks (Cocos2d-x and Haxe Flixel being the more prominent) but it always boils down to having good tools and nice ecosystem to work with, i.e. level ...
rraallvv's user avatar
  • 315
1 vote

2d game engines that support reading external resources

Why not convert the files as needed, perhaps in memory, with a library for file-format conversion?
Kodiologist's user avatar
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1 vote

Line-based 3D modeler (alternative to Sketchup)

Blender will read in STL files I believe - just checked on the page, and yes, it does: Alembic, 3D Studio (3DS), COLLADA (DAE), Filmbox (FBX), Autodesk (DXF), Wavefront (OBJ), DirectX (x),...
GerardFalla's user avatar

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