For a long time now, I've been looking for a program to manage my own tasks and projects.
A little while ago, I started programming a program with these features:
- Add tasks
- Add subtasks
- Set priority
- Set a wait syntax to tasks (if I'm waiting for a package for exmaple)
- Set "Do this, before this" syntax and vise versa
- link two tasks together
- Add notes to tasks
I work as an IT support and has seen several people at work needing help installing MS project. I never actually knew how it worked until today, and it is in the same area as of what I'm looking for.
I looked online at some alternative applications, but most of them has too much focus on teams and saves the data on their servers instead of locally. Most of them was also Web-based (which is OK, but I prefer GUI or cli)
I'm on linux and are wondering if there are any good alternatives, either GUI or cli application.
If anyone could help me, it would speed up my (personal) working a lot!
I use wine for some applications, and it could be an option