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3 votes

An open source PDF reader with built in dictionary or plugins?

I found a tutorial of adding a real-time google translation button for pdf-xchange editor. Although pdf-xchange editor is not open source software, but I think it is a good hint for other pdf viewers. ...
Yang Jk's user avatar
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2 votes

Reliable free offline dictionary for Android

Check out My Word List. It is a free android app with an offline dictionary, and you can also hear the pronunciations in Britain and American English. Links: Free Version:
Smart Apps's user avatar
2 votes

An online dictionary that allows linking to a single specific definition of a word?

You would think this is something these online dictionaries would readily build into their front end presentations ... but no! Weird. Still, there is one option that can work. The Cambridge ...
Dɑvïd's user avatar
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2 votes

An open source PDF reader with built in dictionary or plugins?

A solution other than a specific PDF reader is to use an external program such as GoldenDict. It features a so-called ”Scan Popup“: Each time you select a word in any program—e.g. in your favourite ...
myrdd's user avatar
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1 vote

Free terminal based dictionary for Linux

sdcv - console version of Stardict dictd daemon aspell (may be already installed) grep /usr/share/dict/<dictionary file> My personal choice is grep /usr/share/dict/<dictionary file>, ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
1 vote

Extension for LibreOffice to show word definition

Artha is a free dictionary add-on for Linux that integrates with most applications. It is available from Sourceforge, or in the Ubuntu software repo.
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
1 vote

An online dictionary that allows linking to a single specific definition of a word?

The OED has id attributes for all sorts of elements, which you can see with your web browser's debugger. Unfortunately, the OED is paywalled. An unconventional option is to take advantage of the fact ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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An application to learn English

I would suggest Anki. Various collections of English words are available, such as 4000 Essential English Words.
Bill Bell's user avatar
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Help to learn words

Perhaps Anki? I haven't used it for a long time but it's cross platform (including smartphones and anything that can use web apps) and you can create your own decks of flash cards.
archaeomanda's user avatar
1 vote

Offline iOS app that gives the full declensions of German nouns

You might want to try one of the following apps for IOS. These three seem to have the best ratings. There are of course several others, which you can find in the IOS app store. Learn German Nouns Der ...
veritaS's user avatar
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1 vote

Reliable free offline dictionary for Android

You can download languages in Google Translate • Offline: Translate 52 languages when you have no Internet
pihentagy's user avatar
  • 144
1 vote

Russian dictionary for a word game

You can get a Russian MySpell dictionary from here or huntpell format from here and there is a variety of packages to open them such as Enchant or pyEnchant. There are also online descriptions of the ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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1 vote

Offline English-German dictionary for Android

You can give Google Translate a go, available on Play Store and is totally free. Once installed, you can follow instructions from the official guide: Choose and download languages Make ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

LibreOffice dictionary and spell checking in other languages? (without Java)

For french syntax, the best way is to use Grammalecte : it has capacities with grammar and conjugaison (underline words in blue). To install it, just download the odt file (with a macro).
David ROUMANET's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any software which give me the definition of many English words in English at the same time?

If you have a Linux or a virtual machine with Linux install dict. It is a command line dictionary. If you want to set up a VM for that purpose I can say that I don't know Ubuntu, but I know for sure ...
FluidCode's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote

Download all words from Wiktionary for offline use

If you want Wiktionary in a structured format, I recommend the project, which offers 6 parsed Wiktionaries and supports hundreds of languages. The ...
Pux's user avatar
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Download all words from Wiktionary for offline use

You can also consider using the Websters Unabridged Dictionary The online version is from August 22, 2009 and has a Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.
Asher's user avatar
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1 vote

Download all words from Wiktionary for offline use

Try My Word List - Make Word Lists - Offline Dictionary app for Android. It contains over 800,000 English words from Wiktionary. You can track them, learn as you go, and mark them as mastered. ...
Smart Apps's user avatar

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