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Subtitler that showing audio waveform

Found just what I was looking for: VisualSubSync is a subtitle program using audio waveform representation as it's cornerstone. SRT and SSA/ASS subtitle ...
laggingreflex's user avatar
2 votes

Program to create and "embed" subtitles to a movie

Subtitle files are generally external to the video, although some can be burned directly onto the graphic video display. For external subtitles, take a look at Subtitle Edit- Subtitle Edit is a ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Beautiful visualization of narrated sentences (presentation video)

One possibility is to use Audacity or similar to create named or numbered audio clips (with a matching list of the texts) possibly mixing it with some suitable soothing background sounds (e.g. Whale ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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Program to create and "embed" subtitles to a movie

MoviePy can do exactly what you need from Python when you first run it it will install FFMPEG for you so needs to be connected to the internet. You will also need IamgeMagick installed as per the ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
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Media player with mouse-selectable subtitles (for copy and paste)

I made the media player LLG-MP: it's main purpose is to gamify the language learning process through appending clickable subtitles/lyrics to different types of local/remote media with an onclick ...
AhmedMaher's user avatar
1 vote

Video player which makes displayed subtitles selectable as text

PotPlayer can do that. Preferences (F5) - Subtitles - Word searching. It also can open browser page with a dictionary definition.
Melody Nelson's user avatar
1 vote

Program that can extract subtitles from hard-subbed videos?

The classical software to do this is SubRip, after which the popular SRT subtitle format is named. It doesn't seem to be under active development; the latest version is from 2015. It can only extract ...
Shrewd Lou's user avatar

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