My office/work notebook has a weird keyboard:
- the HOME, END and Print Screen keys are COMBINED with F10, F11 and F12, respectively (so I need to press the Fn key to make them work)
- there are some buttons for (the Windows) calculator: < launch the calculator >, CE (I believe it has something to do with clearing memory), +/- (changing signs of a number) and <- (I'm clueless and not interested)
I know there is a BIOS option for selecting the behaviour of the F-keys (as device controlling key, i.e. sound level change, back-light, screen luminosity, etc., OR as normal F-keys (F1 - help, F2 rename, etc) and I selected to have the normal F-key behaviour (and I would stick with this), but I cannot UN-COUPLE F10, F11, F12 from Print Screen, Home, End.
Is there an application which lets me remap these calculator buttons into Home, End, Print Screen and [Windows Logo]+Print Screen (I take a lot of screenshots)?
EDIT: I would really appreciate a free tool, as I don't want to get in trouble with the IT department:)
UPDATE1: it seems (as the AutoHotkey sees it) the 4 buttons are something like < launch calculator >, Delete, F9, Backspace... so I would need some advice on how to differentiate between the normal Delete/F9/Backspace keys (see the left side of the picture) and "special" keys (the ones above the numeric keys).
UPDATE2: I'd tried the following AutoHotkey code Launch_App2::#PrintScreen
to get a 'WindowsLogo'+''PrintScreen' combination, but when you're right clicking the AutoHotkesy script's icon on the tray I'm not having the screenshot. I just want to let you know this, I'm not aware of any other corner cases.