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4 votes

Alternative to ELK, but based on PostgreSQL

I'm very excited about TimescaleDB, which is an extension to Postgres that creates hyper tables that handle all the time series partitioning magic and supposedly bring huge scale to write throughput. ...
quickdraw's user avatar
2 votes

Desktop database tool with custom form and rich data display

You could try Kexi. It's open source and free as in freedom.
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
1 vote

Alternative to ELK, but based on PostgreSQL

I discovered redash Here the top of the README START README Redash is our take on freeing the data within our company in a way that will better fit our culture and usage patterns. Prior to Redash, ...
guettli's user avatar
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1 vote

Gratis GUI client for DynamoDB

You might also use Dynobase. It works on Mac, Windows and Linux non-gratis feature list Disclaimer: I am the founder of
Rafal Wiliński's user avatar
1 vote

Searching in .csv files on Android smartphone

There is a small app called aGrep which I use for such search on an old Android. It is open-source and works like "grep" but with an interface. User can specify file extension types e.g. ...
Z Z's user avatar
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1 vote

Browser based GUI tool for MongoDB on AWS-Linux-server

Finally, after few hours of suffering i found answer for my own question To Create Mongo user db.createUser({ user: "root" , pwd: "<password>", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "...
Nagarajan R's user avatar
1 vote

Free software to use as aircraft register with photos

If you want more control and flexibility than possible in an online spreadsheet such as Google Sheets, you'll need to dabble in database app development. 4D & FileMaker These two products are ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar

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