I'm looking for a locally installed tool for creating and managing workflows for DevOps work.
Please note I'm not looking for a CI/CD tool such as Jenkins. I'm not interested in building pipelines but in building workflows. Of course I can do whatever with a pipeline as well but I'm finding that my work as devops consists of workflows. These workflows include automated steps (sometimes running a pipeline) and manual steps as well.
I've selected some options to look from this list on GitHub but I figured I can ask here for recommendations.
I have very basic requirements:
- Can run a script in chosen script engine (bash, pwsh, etc.) as part of a task in the workflow. Show output, error output etc.
- Has a nice graphical UI and the workflow is manageable/editable in a graph.
- You can clearly see states of individual steps in a running instance of a workflow. Passed, failed, etc.
- Has a support for a manual step. This is an important requirement for me. If there is a manual step, the workflow engine must wait for a human intervention either to just confirm something or to give the workflow engine necessary data that are used in further steps.
Bonus points:
- User, role, permission management
- Workflow categorization
- OIDC authentication
In the list mentioned above I see Airflow
and DolphinScheduler
have most stars but they seem to be built specifically for working with data so I'm not sure about that.