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Questions tagged [chromium]

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Is there any software which could display webpages using custom URLs and it could be work on top of other applications?

I'm currently grappling with a challenge outlined in the title and would appreciate your recommendations. To provide some context, I've developed a hobby project related to Formula 1, which serves as ...
CuriousHedgehog's user avatar
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Browser tab balancing software or extension?

I use a window manager, which generally has the ability to balance windows really well. This gets defeated with tabs in browsers. Effectively this allows you to put multiple different things in one ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Open source up-to-date autofill extensions for Chromium / Chrom* browsers?

Unfortunately it appears that Autofill ( for Chromium browsers is going to be moving away from a purely free model as it has been hitherto: I certainly do not condemn ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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Which software should I use to find out my former email addresses from browser installation files, found in old hard drives?

I had email addresses in the past, what I have completely forgotten about. I recently found 3 old hard drives that I knew were no good, went bad and I simply bought a new one. Lately I tried them and ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Create PDF from HTML via Chromium Engine

Since "ages" we use RML to create PDF files. But somehow this feels outdated. I am looking for a modern way to create PDF files. I think it would be great to have something which is built ...
guettli's user avatar
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Chromium-based browser with out-of-the-box password sync

I am looking for a Chromium-based browser which support sync out of the box. I want to sync: Browser history Bookmarks Passwords With "sync" I mean "sync between desktop (Linux) and ...
guettli's user avatar
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Chromium / Chrome extension to improve visibility of “find” (Ctrl+F) results

When searching for text on webpages in Chromium / Chrome using Ctrl+F, the results will be highlighted in color. The browser will also jump to the section of the page where it found your search query. ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Is there some kind of fully sandboxed "Chromium-based webview" which I can use to test my webpages with?

My only installed browser is Pale Moon. It's an old fork of Firefox. I cannot install Chrome, Firefox, Chromium, Brave, Edge or anything like that on my computer for security/privacy reasons. But ...
D. H.'s user avatar
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Portable Googleless Chromium web browser to use for testing

Please recommend a web browser with the following requirements: Windows 7-10 compatible. Completely portable. Absolutely no registry writes or writing files outside of its own dedicated folder(s)/...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar