You can use ExifTool to extract the thumbnail (if any) from a Jpeg Image, (as opposed to generating one from the image data).
The command:
exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg
Will extract (as binary -b option) the thumbnail (-ThumbnailImage command) from image.jpg
and the output will be piped by > to thumbnail.jpg
all from the command line.
ExifTool is:
- Free, Gratis & Open Source
- Written in Perl but available as a binary download for Windows or a package for OS-X
- Cross Platform including Windows "All Versions" but I haven't tried a recent build on 3.1 or XP, OS-X, Linux, etc.
- Supports extracting the meta data from lots of file formats
- Support adding, changing or removing metadata from nearly as many file formats.
- Is very fast and powerful.
- Supports renaming the exe file, (or equivalent), to make a shortcut that you can drop files on to do frequent operations.
- If you do anything with photographs you should have a copy.