I search a video stabilizer software.

  • Input: Video in AVI/MPG
  • Output: Same video, stabilized, in a common video format
  • It should be easy to use. It is for my son - twelve years old.

Software for Linux is preferred, but Windows is OK, not mac.

Price/Licence: I am willing to pay up to 50$.


3 Answers 3


Blender from blender.org and the software is free.

Blender exist for windows,mac,linux

numerous tutorials exists

tutorial 1

google search blender video stabilization

There are a number of steps, and it is not a simple as click stabilize and d done. However, if you are there just in-case he needs help the first couple of times he should get the hang of it.


Hands-free Linux method, with transcode's stabilizer filter. A crude wrapper function, (Bourne shell, bash, etc.):

# Usage:  shakeless foo.avi
# eventually outputs stable_foo.avi
unset slow
# export slow="nice -n 19 ionice -c3 "  # uncomment if it the PC bogs down.
shakeless() { $slow transcode -J stabilize --mplayer_probe -i "$1" 2> /dev/null ; \
              $slow transcode -J transform -i "$1" -y raw -o stable_"$1" ; \
              rm "$1".trf ;  }

To use:

shakeless foo.avi

...which can take hours. To display the time elapsed when it's finished, replace the previous line with:

time shakeless foo.avi

Once it's over, there should be a 'stable_foo.avi' file -- play that.

How is this not worse than blender? No complex learning curve, no mousing, menuing, etc. Maybe less hassle, even for a 12 year old user.

What it does, in two passes; first pass:

transcode -J stabilize --mplayer_probe -i foo.avi

...slow, outputs many status messages; after which there's a new big foo.avi.tr data file -- it's not video, it's intermediate data used for the second step:

transcode -J transform --mplayer_probe -i foo.avi -y raw -o stable_foo.avi

After which stable_foo.avi should be a less shaky version of foo.avi

Method above adapted from D. Isenmann's Deshaking videos with Linux.

  • 2
    What is transcode and where to get it?
    – LEQADA
    Commented Apr 11, 2021 at 21:09
  • @LEQADA, transcode is a video-manipulation program. Finding a copy may be a bit hard, since it hasn't been updated since 2010.
    – Mark
    Commented Jun 4, 2022 at 6:45
  • On Manjaro/Arch Linux: "pamac install mplayer transcode" in terminal and then it worked, but ruined the audio. Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 11:59
  • 1
    @LEQADA, Not sure at present where to find transcode in 2022, (not on Ubuntu), but if it is unavailable, the video stabilizer library used by transcode is called vid.stab and can be found at the vid.stab home page or on github. Todo: switching to another vid.stab frontend like mplayer or ffmpeg requires updating this answer's code...
    – agc
    Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 20:24

OpenShot has got a stabilizer filter since version 2.6.0:

New Computer Vision and AI effects (motion tracking, object detection, stabilization)

Here's a video showing how it works: Drag the 'Stabilizer' filter to a video clip, then configure the 'smoothing window'.

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jan 23, 2022 at 21:42

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