To include in my website I need a rich text editor plugin (javascript) that transforms a normal textarea into a nice simple editor. In the past I've used FCKEditor / CKEditor which is great but a bit too much for my needs (too much code because it has too many features I don't require).
The editor will be used by my website visitors so I want to keep it simple with just a few common options like bold, italic, font-size, font color, a few types of font's and align paragraph.
So I'm looking for a plugin that is, in order of importance:
- good, simple UI for 'common users' (not admins)
- lightweight
- generates proper HTML5 code
- allows to customize the icons on the toolbar (remove/add features)
- free for commercial use
Nice to have: active community and easy to understand / change the code in case of need :)
It can be a jQuery plugin or plain Javascript. No plugins requiring bootstrap please (a good one I liked is but that seems to use bootstrap for styling)