I am looking for software that allows the user to wirelessly transfer files from Android devices to Windows computers while maintaining the modified timestamp (aka datestamp or simply "date and time") of the files.
- Must be able to transfer multiple files or entire folders.
- The software can run on the Android side or the Windows side, or both.
- Must transfer large files as fast as possible (not sure whether or not this removes bluetooth options).
- Ideally, I would like to use the PC to select which files to transfer from the Android device, since it is easier to use a bigger screen and keyboard.
- Prefer something that can work with WiFi Direct so that no WiFi network is required.
- Prefer that in addition to transferring from Android to Windows, to also transfer files in the other direction.
- Strongly prefer a solution that allows the user to view the Android files on the Windows computer just like they were a local (or networked) drive. The idea here is easy drag and drop in both directions. Strongly prefer that it will work with FreeCommander XE on the Windows side (which currently does not support FTP).
Why: When the Modify timestamp is changed during a transfer, it makes it hard to tell which version is newer or if the file has been changed. Also, for photographs, it makes it harder to quickly determine when the photo was taken (you have to rely on the EXIF info, or use a separate program to change back all the Modify timestamps to conform to the EXIF info).
What I've Tried:
- Superbeam - Fail. Changes the Modified timestamps.
- ShareIt - Fail. Changes the Modified timestamps.
- AirDroid - Fail. Changes the Modified timestamps.
- ES File Explorer - Fail. Cannot prevent it from making undisclosed calls to IP addresses in China (seriously, check it out for yourself).
(If interested, also see this similar question I posted to achieve this between two Android devices when no WiFi is available.)