Working on Windows XP, I'm looking for a software enabling at least the same window control present in Windows 7 and higher. By that, I mean:

  • when moving a window on an edge, this window is resize to take half the screen
  • Super + (or other directions) places the window on the desired edge

More ideally, I'd like a behaviour similar to Unity on Ubuntu, which gives more control (edges and corners via the num pad).

1 Answer 1


Even on Windows 7 and higher, this behavior is still limited to edges and not corners. I use AutoHotKey to achieve something similar to Ubuntu. Install it and run the following script:


SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount
SysGet, Mon1, MonitorWorkArea
midH := (Mon1Right-Mon1Left)/2
midV := (Mon1Bottom-Mon1Top)/2

  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , 0, midV, midH, midV
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , 0, midV, Mon1Right, midV
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , midH, midV, midH, midV
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , 0, 0, midH, Mon1Bottom
  WinGet, MinMax, MinMax, A
  if (MinMax = 0) {
    WinMaximize, A
  } else {
    WinRestore, A
  WinRestore, A
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , midH, 0, midH, Mon1Bottom
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , 0, 0, midH, midV
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , 0, 0, Mon1Right, midV
  WinRestore, A
  WinMove A, , midH, 0, midH, midV

It allows you to use Win + any key on the numpad to move the active window to the corresponding edge/corner, with Win+Num5 for maximize/restore


For a multi-monitor setup, here is the revised version of the script (Github link)

  • 3
    It works perfectly, thanks ! (for the script and for AH, looks like a useful tool)
    – merours
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 12:13
  • works great for one monitor How to modify this script for multiple monitors so that it does not return to the main desktop?
    – dodohjk
    Commented Jul 28, 2015 at 15:40
  • @dodohjk I have updated the answer with the link to a multi-monitor version
    – Tymric
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 20:09

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