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Temporary, light-weight blogging software that is easily exportable

What about ? It is not a dedicated blogging software but it can certainly function as one. You can write in either local flavor of wikitext or markdown. Can be exported as ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
1 vote

Temporary, light-weight blogging software that is easily exportable

How about reStructuredText? It's free. It's a pretty complex markup language under the hood, but still just a text-based, mostly human-readable markup language. Markdown is simpler (about as simple ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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Web-based interaction tool for mockups

[This content is migrated from stackoverflow. The existing content may be deleted, so thought of putting it here] Answer by Jon Winstanley Pencil Open source and Free, the Pencil Project is a great ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar

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