I have received an offer to blog about developing on a certain platform. I don't have the particulars specifying what blogging software is used to host/admin the blog yet. However I want to start drafting my content in the interim because I have some free time. My question is a bit nuanced because I'm not looking for a blogging platform per se, but rather I am looking for a tool that will allow me to upload my text/pictures and it will format it in a blog-like fashion.
Are there any tools out there like this? Here are the things important to me
- Is free
- Is extremely light weight
- Convention over configuration (I dont want to format anything really, just want to upload and have it look ok)
- Easily exportable (either to HTML or possible to some other standard)
- I don't care if it's just a tool that spits out the html / I dont care if it's not a server (IE no one is going to have access to the content yet - I just want to start developing it)
- Ideally it would be OSS