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Questions tagged [data-structure]

A data structure is an organized collection of data. Use for recommendations about libraries that affect data structures.

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Is there a C++ library that implements a circular buffer of dynamically sized arrays?

Moved from StackOverflow. I need a queue of arrays, all of the same dimension but known only at run time. Think of it like a conveyor belt of one dimensional data vector, where I need to add and ...
Alessandro Bertulli's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Fastest implementation of priority_queue in C++?

I stumbled upon custom implementations of hash tables, which are faster than std::unordered_map for say, int type. (For example ska::flat_hash_map) For my use case, I don't need to optimize memory, ...
ztart14578's user avatar
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2 answers

Visualizing the mapping from one data structure to another

I am searching for a tool that is able to display two DIFFERENT nested data structures as a tree side by side and make it possible to display a mapping between them. The purpose is to make it possible ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 answer

Rust library for rank and select support on succinct int vectors, e.g. wavelet trees

Is there a Rust library for Wavelet Trees or any other data structure that supports fast and memory-efficient rank and select on succinct integer vectors? succinct, succint_rs and rsdict only seem to ...
Konrad Höffner's user avatar
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Java JSON/XML parser with efficient node access

I wonder if there might be a DOM-like JSON/XML parser + generator library which allows one to search the in-memory nodes (after parsing / before unparsing) by name in an efficient way (better than ...
Adrián's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a good, developed typescript library for data structures and algorithms (similar to C++ STL)

I am building a backend server application in nest.js (A progressive node.js library). nest.js uses typescript, and I need to implement some sophisticated algorithms in the server. Instead of coding ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there any program for Linux to layout and generate directory structure?

I need to generate folder structure for organizing my $HOME folder. Of course, I can write big shell script with mkdir -p on every line but maybe there are more user-friendly solution for creating ...
Masaki Maeda's user avatar
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0 answers

I'm looking a javascript library that has a tile/grid map data structure

I'm trying to create grid-based maps for my game. Here's an example of what they will look like: The playable character will always be centered around the viewport and there are times, just like in ...
Clueless Investor's user avatar
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Event based de-duplication and prioritisation software

We have an event processing system that is struggling to meet throughput requirements. The problem is that we need to handle out of order messages, by reprocessing each affected event after that point....
Dan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Software to visualize Data Structures and Algorithms?

Is there some website or some software on which I can visualize data structures and algorithms? I have found a visualizer for sorting algorithms on HackerEarth, but I need a visualizer for advanced ...
Akshdeep Singh's user avatar
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0 answers

How to track the values of a variable during execution in Python?

Assume I have access to the following Python module ( that was written by someone else (let's call her Ann): import libX libX.doSomething() for i in range(10): a = i + 3 b = foo() I am ...
BackSlash's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Implement non-persistent data storage with data structures in Javascript

For one of my projects, I am required not to use a database to store data in memory. Instead, I must use data structures for that. I tried to search the web but can't find good ressources that help ...
Abel LIFAEFI MBULA's user avatar
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Algorithms graphics tools

What tools are most useful for creating algorithm and data structure graphics for teaching? I am specifically seeking to have a voice over the graphics running for an algorithm. For example, when I'm ...
Dexters's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a software library that can treat a directory tree like an XPath data structure?

Is there a software library that can treat a directory tree like an XPath data structure? It should be something that can use XPath/JSON like instructions to manipulate data structures in the file ...
vfclists's user avatar
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Pure Python implementation of a non-recursive Trie data structure

I am looking for a pure Python implementation of a Trie data structure that would not use nested data structures. Most implementations typically all use a Node that contains a dict of children Nodes ...
Philippe Ombredanne's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Efficient storage of vectors for Java

I'm writing an application in Java and would like to store the data. The data in question will be a certain number (may be a few 1000s) of vectors, and each vector would be of different size, but the ...
user2759511's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Java data structure to store latitude-longitude points, and retrieve them by area

I want to memorize geographical points for fast retrieval: I store a few {latitude, longitude, Java object} I query for all objects contained within n kilometers of a particular latitude, longitude ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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