After thorough research I've come up with this script:
@echo off
rem Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Nurudin Imsirovic
rem ownfile - Take full ownership of a resource
rem Created: 2017-04-21 11:23 AM
rem Updated: 2023-08-16 04:49 PM
rem Developer notes
rem takeown's /SKIPSL option only applies
rem if recursion is used. Meaning that
rem setting the ownership on a symlink
rem will affect its target.
set file=%1
set recursive=%2
set skip_symlinks=%3
set quiet=%4
if /I [%file%] equ [] goto usage
set suffix_t=
set suffix_i=
if [%recursive%] equ [1] (
set suffix_t=/d y /r
set suffix_i=/T
if [%skip_symlinks%] equ [1] (
set suffix_t=%suffix_t% /SKIPSL
set suffix_i=%suffix_i% /L
if [%quiet%] equ [1] (
set suffix_t=%suffix_t% ^>nul 2^>^&1
set suffix_i=%suffix_i% ^>nul 2^>^&1
goto process
@takeown /f %file% /a %suffix_t%
@takeown /f %file% %suffix_t%
@icacls %file% /grant Administrators:(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant Users:(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant SYSTEM:(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "LOCAL SERVICE":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "NETWORK SERVICE":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "RESTRICTED":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant TrustedInstaller:(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /setintegritylevel L /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /inheritance:r /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /inheritance:d /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /setowner "%username%" /c %suffix_i%
@icacls %file% /grant "%username%":(F,MA) /c %suffix_i%
goto exit
echo.ownfile ^<file^> ^<recursive^> ^<skip symlinks^> ^<quiet^>
goto exit
exit /B 0
If the script is outdated you may find the latest changes here.
I don't know how good of an idea this is but it works for me.