I will be creating a website that basically hosts/organizes various microsoft type files such as docx, xlsx, etc. I am only familiar with apache and php based web servers but my work is more familiar with IIS. So after digging around I started to realize maybe that is a good thing because IIS should have the .net framework support on the backend for a way to edit or open these document types. So I have been digging around and typically what I have found is people trying to embed word processors and things of that nature in their site. Well what I want to do is allow users to open these documents in their actual microsoft word, excel, etc programs but let them save them back to the web server. Is something like this even possible with IIS and .net framework? If so, could you point me in the right direction of how I could achieve this?
Having not been familiar with C# is it possible to do this on an APACHE server with php rather than c#?