I often need to create Java webapps.
I usually run the maven-archetype-webapp
archetype, but it does not provide enough, so I always have to manually add many things, such as jetty:run. I want to reduce all of these steps to a minimum, meaning I would be able to use the project directly after archetype generation without having to add more dependencies or plugins to the pom.xml
- Webapp structure (Servlet 3.1 or later)
- WAR generation command
- JUnit command/dependencies
- Logging (can be SLF4J or Log4j or logback or java.util.logging
- WTP Eclipse Web project (Not just a normal Eclipse project. Should work on latest released Eclipse version)
- Command to run the server (probably using Jetty or similar), I don't have to configure anything, I just run the command and the webapp gets launched
- Does not add other things, in particular no particular framework