I'm using at least three devices, a windows 10 desktop, a macbook pro and my android phone, which means that Evernote free is no longer an option, and since I don't really like it, I don't want to start paying for it.
I basically want to export all of my Evernote data to some other service and never look back.
I need text notes across all my devices and an easy way to export/import my evernote data into the new service. I have images and audio in my Evernote, but I don't need any of them. I haven't touched them in years.
I use Evernote as a place to write down any ideas I have, on whatever device I'm on. Edit history is not important, and neither is formatting or markdown support.
Simplenote seems like the easy answer, but they don't seem to support folders. I could use tags instead, but have yet to find a sync tool that translates folders into tags for me. Arguably tags are more flexible.