When preparing a development webtools server (Sonar, Redmine, Jenkins...) a need arose to prepare a storage solution for documentation alongside these tools. While in ideal world we would store everything in a wiki, docbooks, LateX, Javadocs or other easily-versionable and searchable format, we don't have that luxury. What we have instead is piles upon piles of MS Word .DOCX files.
Ideal software for this task should have as many of the following features as possible:
- is web-based and allows download of documents via HTTP/S
- is possible to be hosted locally in the company intranet, not somewhere externally in the Internet (this one is a must)
- supports storing multiple versions of the same (binary) file, such as .DOCX
- has a tag-based search tool and directory/file tagging
- has a content-based search tool of MS Word files, possibly via Pandoc
- allows access control via permissions (to individual files and/or directories)
We considered several tools for this, such as ownCloud, Redmine, Dokuwiki and just regular FTP/SMB hosting. All of them are lacking some of above features, though, and we're considering if there isn't something out there that would be a better fit.
What are your preferred solutions for documentation/versioned binary files storage?