I am looking for recommendations for 3D rendering of voxel grids. Preferably I'm looking for information about software packages for high-quality, interactive visualization as well as information about how I can convert my data into the format(s) required by those packages.
My existing data format is just a column of voxel ids (positive integers) that could be converted into a unique color, plus header information describing the x,y,z dimensions of the grid.
I have done a fair amount of internet searching and have tried several things. Povray and Python can each render a very nice static image but I can't interact with it (rotate, zoom, clip, etc). Paraview can do volume rendering and it is interactive but the image quality (so far) is not as crisp as I would hope, in the sense that I would prefer to see each voxel as a crisp little cube, whereas Paraview so far makes everything look fuzzy and semi-transparent. Finally, I have had some success with Blender but it has been pretty time consuming and still not interactive.
I don't really mind commercial software if that will accomplish my goals better than any open source option. I'm also not a terribly bad programmer (C/C++ and Python mostly), so I don't mind having to develop a tool to convert my data to some other format if necessary. For example, I have in the distant past converted my data to VRML but it produced enormous files and I imagine there must be something better than that by now.