I'm looking for a program or web-service that

  • can convert Microsoft Excel 2013 spreadsheets to LATEX tables

And if possible:

  • free
  • works on Windows 7

The package Excel-to-LaTeX only works for Ex­cel 2010 and earlier versions.

  • 4
    I don't have experience with Excel 2013, but are the spreadsheets really that different? If not, you could just save the file as 2010 version and then do the conversion
    – Michiel
    Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 6:11
  • I just had the idea how to write such a tool, but: What are your expections? Only a simple table with easy rows and columns? Or complex tables with combined columns (\multicolumn in LaTeX) and rows. Any Colors in cells? Any formatting? Detect Header lines?
    – knut
    Commented Jun 2, 2015 at 8:05
  • I created a program and I think it should be able to concert Excel 2013 files into LaTeX tabulars. But I have no Excel 2013, so I can't check it myself. Can you try xlsx2latex.exe with your file? Just download it and try xlsx2latex <your xlsx-file>. If you confirm it works with Excel 2013 files I will post an answer.
    – knut
    Commented Jun 12, 2015 at 21:54

1 Answer 1


If the way via an intermediate CSV file is OK, I suggest the following workflow:

Conversion from Excel to CSV

Use xlsx2csv, a python script which is small, efficient and fast. In the most easiest case (Excel file with one sheet) you could get away with the command line:

python xlsx2csv.py data.xslx data.csv

Conversion from CSV to Markdown

Use csvtomd, another python script to get you to the Markdown format. Unfortunately it is a Python 3 script, so you need a separate Python 3 environment.(*) The command line here is:

> python3 path/to/your/csvtomd-dir/csvtomd.py  data.csv >data.md

Conversion from CSV to LaTeX

Use the excellent pandoc. Install it properly and make sure you have it on your path. Then call it like this:

> pandoc -f markdown -t latex -o data.tex data.md

And - voila! - if everything went well, data.tex contains your Excel table as a LaTeX table.(+) BTW, all tools mentioned work perfectly on Windows 7.

(*) You can use e.g. Anconda to have Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 next to each other.

(+) Please note, pandoc uses the flexible longtable package to format its tables.

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