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Questions tagged [wireframing]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Generic diagram generator from markup language

I'm looking for diagram generator (using some markup language as the input) capable of generating generic block-and-arrow diagrams. I would have labeled blocks containing other labeled blocks, and ...
Trevor Keith's user avatar
2 votes
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Single tool, ideally open source, for specifying application use cases, requirements, and functional specifications

Is there a free or inexpensive tool that supports the development of Use Cases (or User Stories), Requirements, and Functional Specifications? I know there is a tendency to blur the lines between ...
JDC's user avatar
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Wireframing software handling 3 buttons mouse click

I would like to prototype an application that would be capable of handling 3 buttons mouse clicks, even 4 buttons mice, with different events. It's also known as B1, B2, B3, and B4 clicks. Example, on ...
Rawbean007's user avatar
1 vote
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Are there good prototyping tools for iOS?

I am looking to build an iOS (iPad) application with a very unique user interface that does not use the traditional look-and-feel of a typical iOS app. Think less like Facebook, more like Lightroom on ...
Bill's user avatar
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