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Questions tagged [taskbar]

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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a taskbar system monitoring tool on Windows 11?

I want to display the current network speed, the read/write speed of the hard disk, CPU and memory usage in taskbar, especially network and hard drive usage, so I can detect unusual activity in time. ...
Doit's user avatar
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Third-party replacement for Windows 11 taskbar

Are there third-party replacements for Windows 11 Taskbar? Like, idk, using Linux taskbar instead of windows? There are actually many start menu replacements (AllIsBack, OpenShell) but none of them ...
Dmitry Romanov's user avatar
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Windows 11 Taskbar replacement that will dock on the left

Ever since, I have been able to, my taskbar has been to the left and hidden. The reason being there is more space horizontally than vertically. And it causes less interference with programs where I ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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