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Questions tagged [openid]

for software that implements or interacts with the decentralized authentication protocol OpenID

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Multi-provider OpenID implementation for a Go project

We need an OpenID supporting common external authentication providers (Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.) Our project is in Go, so strong preference to have a Go authenticator, but other variants like Node....
porton's user avatar
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On-premise software to implement my own idP Identity Provider

I want implement an identity provider. I am researching about it, but I found any software that was only "identity layer" without any solution for "user store" like shibboleth. I have below require: 1-...
Sadegh's user avatar
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Seeking passwordless user-level encryption service without developer key access

I am looking for a scalable encryption solution for a SaaS product used by approximately 40,000 users across 5000 organizations. Our application is an Angular SPA with a C# backend, and we are ...
annemartijn's user avatar
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Which OpenID Connect provider to choose? (with password reminders out of the box)

Which open source OpenID Connect self-hosted servers do support advanced features like password reminders, Facebook authentication, etc. out of the box? I also need the ability to control them ...
porton's user avatar
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