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Questions tagged [network-monitor]

Software that monitors network traffic, intrusions and connection stability (amongst others).

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18 votes
3 answers

Linux network monitor with web interface

I am looking for a free web-based network monitor for CentOS. It should contain at least: Bandwidth monitor Server health Load average Disk usage Which one do you recommend? Note: "Web-based" ...
Jordi Kroon's user avatar
59 votes
2 answers

What software can I use to monitor the quality of my Internet connection?

I've been having a lot of problems with both of my Internet providers lately, and I'd like to start monitoring and graphing the quality of my Internet connections. My ultimate goal is to be able to ...
Tim Post's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Software to monitor my bandwidth capacity over time

In France, I used to use Grenouille to monitor my bandwidth capacity over time. It's free but it used to under-assess my bandwidth when I was using it a few years ago. Furthermore both the website and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

A free HTTP sniffer for all traffic to localhost websites made from whatever client

I want to monitor all HTTP traffic to one of my localhost websites that I am running in the Visual Studio debugger, which hosts the website on IIS Express, while my debugging session is in progress. ...
Water Cooler v2's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Measure the total amount of data that is downloaded and uploaded in a given session?

I might have to use a monthly capped internet. So before I do that I want to find out the average amount of data I download and upload over the internet in any given day, such that the software starts ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Network documentation software

I am looking for a product to allow me to perform network documentation, with the hopes of expanding on it to discover network-connected devices (and count based on type). Presently I am looking for ...
Network_infrastructure's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Open source/Free network inventory management system with User-specific view

I am finding an open source/free network inventory management system (keeping track of desktops/servers/printers, like their warranty) which allows us to create different views or permissions for ...
riki's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Remotely controllable parental controls

My child has serious issues focussing on school work. I would like to help her a bit, and am looking for a program that simply does the following. Remotely, from my computer I need to be able to put ...
user1111929's user avatar