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Questions tagged [mvc]

Model-view-controller (frameworks like Django, Rails, etc.)

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Jira JQL style search in

I need to replicate the Jira JQL style advanced search in my .Net MVC project with EF. "What is JQL style advanced search?"
codemonkeytony's user avatar
1 vote
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What software can one use to create a data graph out of a website?

i want to extract all the data from a website, and the data is rendered as a data graph. So how can i go about extracting it and saving to an excel or database?
Maqboolfida's user avatar
1 vote
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Rails-like mvc framework for nodejs?

Ruby has Rails. Groovy has Grails. Python has Django. PHP has Laravel and Yii. Even C++ has CppCMS. They all have in common being an MVC framework with stuff like: URL Routing. (Persistent) Models (...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Communication system for web app

I'm looking for suggestions for a communication system to be used in an mvc web application. The internal company users and the external users need to be able to send messages to each other. ...
Ron MacDonald's user avatar
1 vote
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Javascript MVC/ AJAX Framework for non-app sites

I wish for my website to be more dynamic, by making use of ajax. Note that my website is a static site (with CMS) and NOT a web app. Requirements I want a JS framework such that: When going to ...
Yahya Uddin's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

3rd party autorization/user manager for MVC Web API .NET framework 4.6.1 - Possible Software to buy

Cheers, I have been reading a lot last few days about given topic. I am trying to find best solution. We are talking about internal Company app which we develop for ourself. Our users are part of the ...
Poseidon's user avatar