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Transparent PDF compressor?

I would like to be able to use a PDF compressor where I know exactly what it's doing and can control exactly what it's doing. It doesn't need to be the fanciest or have absolutely the most extreme ...
AnonMoos's user avatar
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Software to compress PDF

I would like to compress a PDF file. The PDF size should be smaller than 1MB. Do you know a software that allow to compress PDF files to a given compressed size?
birdman's user avatar
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PDF Compression: Lossless or near-lossless compression options?

I'm looking for a tool for macOS (Windows and Linux would also be nice) that will compress PDFs with a lossless or near-lossless methodology. There is an interesting discussion for ImageOptim PDF ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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5 answers

Software to compress PDF files

The other similar question is not related to my question and didn't provide answers at all. So I'm looking for a freeware or opensource software that can compress my 1GB+ PDF files into a reasonable ...
Freedo's user avatar
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PDF compressor software to host on your own server

Goal A web-based open source software to compress PDF files, to submit files via a browser, but to install on my own Linux server and use its processing power. Requirements A web interface. A ...
Paulo Coghi's user avatar
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Lossless compressing software that grants best compression ratio for everyday purpose and/or for specific tasks

Hello there everybody. My question should be rather simple for "insiders" (or I hope so at least), so here is the matter: as far as I know and understand, 7zip is currently the best lossless ...
danicotra's user avatar
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GUI software to compress and merge PDFs

Compress PDF and Merge PDF are fantastically easy to use. I would highly recommend them had it not been because I cannot guarantee who has access to the data. So is there free (as in freedom) ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Command line PDF image compression optimizer

It doesn't necessarily have to be CMD but I'd prefer it. It has to be free though. I have tried lots of different ones but all of them seem to optimize some bit data within the PDFs and don't even ...
Hector Lamar's user avatar