Adobe InDesign is the dominant player in the Desktop Publishing world. It is used for many books, and also for magazine and pamphlets, and even things like greeting-cards and invitations.

It is almost $1000, and having used it, if I were in the business of professionally producing books, (esp, with complex layouts), I would say it would be worth every penny. How ever, at the moment I'm only doing it as a hobby.

It's lower-end cousin is MS-Publisher, which can be replaced with Scribus. (Feel free to answer with a argument that suggests Scribus can replace InDesign)

conTeXt, a cousin of LaTeX seems like it might be a alternative, but the learning curve seems steep (the few times I've tried).

LaTeX itself might be a good alternative, but it seem that it forces you into the mould of what ever document class you are using (eg memoir, koma-book), and that to define a document-class of your own, you need far more than beginner knowledge.

Important Features

  • Must be Desktop Publishing Software, not word processing, not website design.
  • Must support kerning
  • Must support advance Open type features: Ligatures, Swash/Titling/Contextual alternatives.
  • Should have support for structured document data import/templating (Thus allowing separation of presentation from content. (This would be a huge plus for me).
  • Should have Mail Merge (which is similar to the structured data import, but simpler)
  • Ideally would have better support for OpenType style sets, than InDesign has, but I can live with no support for style sets, as InDesigns support is only just usable.

Cost/Licence: Must be free, Ideally would be Open Source

OS: Any, with slight preference towards Linux > Windows > Mac > OS/2 ...


2 Answers 2


Scribus is an open source desktop publisher.

  • Supports kerning
  • Supports ligating
  • Supports templates to separate content from presentation
  • It has a kind of mail merge
  • Support for font embedding and sub-setting with TrueType, Type 1 and OpenType fonts.

Free and open source.
Runs on Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4/eComStation, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Haiku.

enter image description here

  • Scribus is still rather limited on Opentype Features. No Contextual alternatives. And the Scribus palette (via insert glyph) cannot even show all glyphs in professional Opentype Fonts: unmapped glyphs (those variants) are not even visible or manually insertable (Nov 2018, Scribus 1.5.4). Commented Nov 18, 2018 at 0:37

Disclaimer: I'm the author of this software.

You can use this tool, it does specifically that; A *.pdf file can be imported as a background along with 5 *.txt files for the data to be "imposed" on top of the pdf file.

It will not substitute InDesign of course, but for Mail Merge, it can handle many similar functions. It imposes text on a ready *.pdf without having to go into the hassle of editing the pdf file

Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/vdprocessor/

Link to a tutorial https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/JwRNOzwA5i8?rel=0

enter image description here


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