I am looking for a gratis Windows 10 app to detect my RAM.
I am a software guy, and not really hardware. I know just about enough to know that I want it all to be DDR2/3/4 as appropriate for my motherboard. I would prefer to have it all from the same manufacturer.
For laptops, I get confused by the L suffix (low voltage?) and whether I must use it exclusively/can mix it with similar which is non-L. I also see some with a U suffix.
I am not asking you to explain it to me. I am one of those people who are happy just to use cotton, I mean RAM, without having to understand how it works.
I am looking for a gratis Windows 10 program which will examine my system and tell me what kind of RAM I need to buy, AND makes sure that I do not buy the wrong stuff.
Then I can look on Amazon or eBay and buy some, although it would be a bonus if the app could find a good deal, based on my country (remembering that we don't all live in the USA)
wmic MEMORYCHIP get BankLabel,DeviceLocator,Capacity,Speed,Manufacturer
will give you the Manufacturer, see also msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/… for some background information.