This question seems silly, so easy to answer! Well... Hold on! What if I tell that my music folder is... 15GB.
I have Xubuntu 64 bit, Clementine isn't indexing all my songs. Banshee freezes when I import my library. Itunes is the only software that handled my music correctly when I was on windows and I don't want to use wine. What I want
- Music player that runs on Xubuntu 64 bit, natively.
- Free (not necessarily open source)
- Plays Mp3s mainly
- Capable of handling huge libraries, fast indexing, no lagging, no crashing, no missing songs, no freezing, no bugs. (Well tested for its ability to handle big libraries)
- No VLC or such, I know that VLC can play mp3s and may be able to handle big libraries, I'm looking for pure music player
- Ability to create playlist, create a library and so on.
- No CLI solutions or Rythmbox or such, I want a full featured GUI if possible, like banshee.
- I would like to avoid KDE applications if possible.