I currently work at a software firm that makes software that
- has a base that's always the same and
- a single config file that contains all the custom code for the individual clients
We break these extensions up into parts and each part has a script that "imports" these changes into the single config file. We also have a interface that is programed in a more traditional way in C# files and these are kept in a directory.
Update: This needs to have component designs, test documents, issue tracking, PM management, assign and manage individual components to individual developers. Have the ability to quickly look at our C# files and have different versions of those and our config files. We use Share Point for that right now.
We also have two complete versions of the solutions (we test our code and then send it to the client and they test it on their system).
I have been given the task to find a better way to maintain these changes with a version control or revision control system. Given these requirements, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of a solution that includes some sort of web interface like GitHub or Atlassian bitbucket or VS Team Services. We are 100% Windows Server (this is a server-based software).