I'm using freefilesync to synchronize two folders containing photos
Is there a software that can compare the image metadata to see what metadata changes have been made?
I'm using freefilesync to synchronize two folders containing photos
Is there a software that can compare the image metadata to see what metadata changes have been made?
Ok I found a way myself.
I updated a script I found online to make it work, and created a powershell version as well.
@echo off
:: Compare_EXIF.cmd Compare EXIF-Meta-Data V1.6
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & if errorlevel 1 ( echo Can not set local & pause & exit/b 99 )
:: either two dirs with same named pics, Wildcards are not possible, choose mask for dir comparison
set WILD=*.jpg
:: or two pics
:: exiftool http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ set the correct path here
set EF="exiftool.exe"
:: Winmerge http://winmerge.org set the correct path here
set WM="WinMergeU.exe"
:: for DEBUGGING uncomment
set DEBCMD=echo ~
:: Functions
set EXITE=echo. ^& pause ^& exit/b 99
:: Initialization
if not defined DEBCMD ( set DEBCMD=rem ) else %DEBCMD% Using debug command: %DEBCMD%
:: exiftool commandline
if not exist %EF% ( echo ExifTool %EF% not found % %EXITE% )
:: Instead of excluding here, may use LineFilter in Winmerge
set EF=%EF% -groupHeadings --FileModifyDate
%DEBCMD% exiftool (found) %EF%
:: Winmerge commandline
if not exist %WM% ( echo ExifTool %WM% not found % %EXITE% )
:: /s single instance
:: /e for end with escape
:: /x for message and end if equal
:: /ul /ur don't add to history left & right
:: /wl /wr read only left & right
set WM=%WM% /s /e /x /ul /ur /wl /wr
%DEBCMD% Winmerge (found) %WM%
:: Check Argument/1
set D1=%~dp1
set N1=%~nx1
set ISDIR1=%~a1
set ISDIR1=%ISDIR1:~0,1%
if ~%ISDIR1%~==~d~ (
set D1=%1
set N1=%WILD%
%DEBCMD% Arg/1 %1%
%DEBCMD% Path/1 %D1% & %DEBCMD% Name/1 %N1% & %DEBCMD% Attributes/1 %ISDIR1%
if not exist %1 ( echo 1st File/s %1? & %EXITE% )
:: Check Argument/2
set D2=%~dp2
set N2=%~nx2
set ISDIR2=%~a2
set ISDIR2=%ISDIR2:~0,1%
if ~%ISDIR2%~==~d~ (
set D2=%2
set N2=%WILD%
%DEBCMD% Arg/2 %2%
%DEBCMD% Path/2 %D2% & %DEBCMD% Name/2 %N2% & %DEBCMD% Attributes/2 %ISDIR2%
if not exist %2 ( echo 2nd File/s %2? & %EXITE% )
:: No Argument/3
if not ~%3~==~~ ( echo Only 2 args, either 2 files or 2 dirs, NO WILDCARDS & %EXITE% )
:: Check constency of arguments
%DEBCMD% Matched Attributes %ISDIR1%%ISDIR2%
%DEBCMD% Directories/Files? ~%ISDIR1%%ISDIR2%~
if ~%ISDIR1%%ISDIR2%~==~dd~ ( echo Comparing two directories & goto compare )
if ~%ISDIR1%%ISDIR2%==~--~ ( echo Comparing two files & goto compare )
::%EXITE% Can only compare two dirs or two files
:: Temporary Files
::if not defined TEMP (echo TEMP-Directory defined & %EXITE%) else %DEBCMD% Using TEMP: %TEMP%
set T1="%TEMP%\%~n0_1.tmp"
set T2="%TEMP%\%~n0_2.tmp"
%DEBCMD% Temp 1: %T1% & %DEBCMD% Temp 2: %T2%
:: Run first arg
echo exiftool/1
echo File/s: %N1%
echo in: %D1%
cd /d %D1%
%DEBCMD% "%EF% %N1% > %T1%"
%EF% %N1% > %T1%
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ExifTool/1 Error on %1 & %EXITE% )
if not exist %T1% ( echo Not found: %T1% & %EXITE% )
:: Rund second arg
echo exiftool/2
echo File/s: %N2%
echo in: %D2%
cd /d %D2%
%DEBCMD% "%EF% %N2% > %T2%"
%EF% %N2% > %T2%
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ExifTool/2 Error on %2 & %EXITE% )
if not exist %T2% ( echo Not found: %T2% & %EXITE% )
:: /dl /dr Description left & right
%DEBCMD% start "WinMerge" /b %WM% /dl %1 /dr %2 %T1% %T2%
start "WinMerge" /b %WM% /dl %1 /dr %2 %T1% %T2%
And then I defined the script as an external tool in FreeFileSync
Compare Image Metadata Compare_EXIF.cmd "%local_path%" "%local_path2%"
Powershell Version
#requires -version 4
Compare metadata of two Image Files using EXIF tool & WinMerge
Compare metadata of two Image Files using EXIF tool & WinMerge
Extracts the metadata using EXIF
Launches Winmerge with the two text files
Full Path for file1
Full Path for file2
Text files
Version: 1.0
Author: Vijay Saraff
Creation Date: 2016-10-16
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
Compares the metadata of two files called a.jpg and b.jpg
CompareEXIF.ps1 a.jpg b.jpg
#---------------------------------------------------------[Script Parameters]------------------------------------------------------
Param (
#Script parameters go here
$file1 = $(throw "need a file to compare"),
$file2 = $(throw "need a file to compare")
#Set Error Action to Silently Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
#Import Modules & Snap-ins
#Any Global Declarations go here
$exiftool = "D:\Pix\Apps\exiftool.exe"
$exifparameters = " -groupHeadings --FileModifyDate"
$winmerge = "Z:\Share\DropboxVJ\Dropbox\LiberKey\Apps\WinMerge\WinMergeLKL.exe"
# /s single instance
# /e for end with escape
# /x for message and end if equal
# /ul /ur don't add to history left & right
# /wl /wr read only left & right
$winmergeparams = " /s /e /x /ul /ur /wl /wr "
Function ExtractMetatdata {
Param ($file = $(throw "need a file"))
Begin {
#Write-Host '<description of what is going on>...'
Process {
Try {
if (!(Test-Path($file))) { throw "$file not found" }
$tmpfile = New-TemporaryFile
#Write-Debug $exiftool $exifparameters $file > $tmpfile
& $exiftool $exifparameters $file > $tmpfile
Return $tmpfile
Catch {
Write-Host -BackgroundColor Red "Error: $($_.Exception)"
End {
If ($?) {
#Write-Host 'Completed Successfully.'
#Write-Host ' '
#Script Execution goes here
if (!(Test-Path($exiftool))) { throw "ExifTool.exe not found" }
if (!(Test-Path($winmerge))) { throw "Winmerge not found" }
$tmp1 = ExtractMetatdata($file1)
$tmp2 = ExtractMetatdata($file2)
Write-Host $tmp1.FullName
#Write-Host (Get-Content $tmp1)
Write-Host $tmp2.FullName
#Write-Host (Get-Content $tmp2)
& ".\EchoArgs.exe" $winmerge $tmp1 $tmp2 $winmergeparams "/dl " "$file1" "/dr " "$file2"
& $winmerge $tmp1 $tmp2 $winmergeparams "/dl " "$file1" "/dr " "$file2"
if (!(Test-Path($tmp1))) { Remove-Item $tmp1.FullName -Force }
if (!(Test-Path($tmp2))) { Remove-Item $tmp2.FullName -Force }
You have to ensure all your paths are correct.