I took a kinda-working script from here and modified it to fit your needs.
You have to install Python 2.7 for the script to run. When installing Python make sure to select Add python.exe to Path
Anyways you save the script as [whatever name you want].py
and put in the same folder as all your .eml
files. Now just open the script. That's it.
It will create a folder Email
. That folder has subfolders named the same as your .eml
files. In THAT folders you can find all attachments and a .txt file with all email info:
- From
- To
- Subject
- Date
- Number of attachments
- Number of parts
- The message itself (duh.)
Note that some emails may contain HTML. This script does catch HTML but it saves it as plain text so you have to copy-paste the HTML part of the .txt
file, save it as .htm
and open it with any web browser.
The script is below:
from email import message_from_file
import os
def file_exists (f):
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, f).replace("\\","/"))
def save_file (fn, cont):
file = open(os.path.join(path, fn).replace("\\","/"), "wb")
def construct_name (id, fn):
id = id.split(".")
id = id[0]+id[1]
return id+"."+fn
def disqo (s):
s = s.strip()
if s.startswith("'") and s.endswith("'"): return s[1:-1]
if s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"'): return s[1:-1]
return s
def disgra (s):
s = s.strip()
if s.startswith("<") and s.endswith(">"): return s[1:-1]
return s
def pullout (m, key):
Html = ""
Text = ""
Files = {}
Parts = 0
if not m.is_multipart():
if m.get_filename():
fn = m.get_filename()
cfn = construct_name(key, fn)
Files[fn] = (cfn, None)
if file_exists(cfn): return Text, Html, Files, 1
save_file(cfn, m.get_payload(decode=True))
return Text, Html, Files, 1
cp = m.get_content_type()
if cp=="text/plain": Text += m.get_payload(decode=True)
elif cp=="text/html": Html += m.get_payload(decode=True)
cp = m.get("content-type")
try: id = disgra(m.get("content-id"))
except: id = None
o = cp.find("name=")
if o==-1: return Text, Html, Files, 1
ox = cp.find(";", o)
if ox==-1: ox = None
o += 5; fn = cp[o:ox]
fn = disqo(fn)
cfn = construct_name(key, fn)
Files[fn] = (cfn, id)
if file_exists(cfn): return Text, Html, Files, 1
save_file(cfn, m.get_payload(decode=True))
return Text, Html, Files, 1
y = 0
while 1:
pl = m.get_payload(y)
except: break
t, h, f, p = pullout(pl, key)
Text += t; Html += h; Files.update(f); Parts += p
y += 1
return Text, Html, Files, Parts
def extract (msgfile, key):
m = message_from_file(msgfile)
From, To, Subject, Date = caption(m)
Text, Html, Files, Parts = pullout(m, key)
Text = Text.strip(); Html = Html.strip()
msg = {"subject": Subject, "from": From, "to": To, "date": Date,
"text": Text, "html": Html, "parts": Parts}
if Files: msg["files"] = Files
return msg
def caption (origin):
Date = ""
if origin.has_key("date"): Date = origin["date"].strip()
From = ""
if origin.has_key("from"): From = origin["from"].strip()
To = ""
if origin.has_key("to"): To = origin["to"].strip()
Subject = ""
if origin.has_key("subject"): Subject = origin["subject"].strip()
return From, To, Subject, Date
if __name__ == "__main__":
global path
startdirname = "Email"
num = 1
for i in range(10000000):
if os.path.exists(startdirname + str(num)) == False:
os.makedirs("Email" + str(num))
num += 1
for i in os.listdir("."):
if i.endswith(".eml") == True:
nam = i[:-4]
path = "./" + startdirname + str(num) + "/" + nam
os.makedirs("./" + startdirname + str(num) + "/" + nam)
f = open(i, "rb")
emailDict = extract(f, f.name)
textFile = ""
froms = emailDict["from"]
tos = emailDict["to"]
subject = emailDict["subject"]
parts = emailDict["parts"]
date = emailDict["date"]
txt = emailDict["text"]
html = emailDict["html"]
files = []
for i in emailDict["files"]:
textFile += "From: " + froms + "\n"
textFile += "To: " + tos + "\n"
textFile += "Subject: " + subject + "\n"
textFile += "Date: " + date + "\n\n"
textFile += "Files: " + ", ".join(files) + "\n"
textFile += "Parts: " + str(parts) + "\n\n"
textFile += "Text:\n\n" + txt + "\n\n"
textFile += "HTML:\n\n" + html
wf = open("./" + startdirname + str(num) + "/" + nam + "/" + "txt_" + nam + ".txt", "w")
Just realised how old this is. Hope you still need it! :P