I'm trying to find a program that will compare two directories full of these drawing and image files.
What this will be used for, is to update a full directory of drawings on a periodic basis. The directory will contain many folders, sub-folders, and sub-sub-folders and so on.
I want to be able to:
- Select individual files, or files that share similar names (E.g. "(Drawing1)#A.dwg" and "(Drawing1)#B.dwg")
- See file information (Last date modified, file size, etc.)
- Compare .dgn, .dwg, .tif and .pdf files (Not compare between files types - just two of the same type)
- Compare a list of files, not just two at a time.
- OS: Windows 7
Some issues:
There are going to some issues with the file comparisons, that should hopefully be able to be managed. Some of these issues are:
- Possible different file names (as mentioned above).
- The original copy of the directory may have been updated since the copy taken from off-site was taken - that is the copy may have been taken on Monday, and files were changed in the original after then, before the copy arrived on-site.
- Possible file-type differences. It's possible there may be occurences where a file, for whatever reason, might be a .dwg instead of a .dgn, or some other inconsistency.
If these cannot be managed, that's not essential. That can be managed manually, though it would be nice to have some indication of these inconsistencies.
I realise that some of these points may be a bit unclear, and if so, please ask for clarification, and I will do my best to explain.