I am looking for a tool that would show on the screen which keys I am currently pressing while using other programs. It should show all the keys pressed, and as soon as I release a key - it should disappear.
I have tried many tools (KeyPose, osdHotkey, others...) that were suggested in earlier questions, e.g. https://superuser.com/questions/104421/windows-utility-to-render-which-key-i-am-pressing-on-screen
The problem with those tools is that they don't track when you release your keys. Instead, the key stays visible for a fixed time after it has been recorded. It is suited when you use your keyboard for typing or office usage. However, if the length of the keypress matters, e.g. you control something in a game, those tools are not suitable.
Originally asked on SuperUser, but it wasn't the best fit for that site: