You can use veraPDF:
- open source (veraPDF is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+) and Mozilla Public License v2 or later (MPLv2+).)
- Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows
- written in Java
- CLI or GUI
Usage: veraPDF [options] FILES
-x, --extract
Extracts and reports PDF features.
Default: false
Performs metadata fixes.
Default: false
-f, --flavour
Chooses built-in Validation Profile flavour, e.g. '1b'. Alternatively,
supply '0' or no argument for automatic flavour detection based on a file
Default: 0
Possible Values: [0, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b, 3u]
Chooses output format.
Default: mrr
Possible Values: [xml, mrr, text]
-h, --help
Shows this message and exits.
Default: false
-l, --list
Lists built-in Validation Profiles.
Default: false
Sets maximum amount of failed checks.
Default: -1
Sets maximum amount of failed checks displayed for each rule.
Default: 100
-o, --off
Turns off PDF/A validation
Default: false
Select a policy schematron or XSL file.
Sets file name prefix for any fixed files.
Default: veraFixMd_
-p, --profile
Loads a Validation Profile from given path and exits if loading fails.
This overrides any choice or default implied by the -f / --flavour option
-r, --recurse
Recurses through directories. Only files with .pdf extensions are
Default: false
Sets output directory for any fixed files.
Default: <empty string>
--success, --passed
Logs successful validation checks.
Default: false
-v, --verbose
Adds failed test information to text output.
Default: false
Displays veraPDF version information.
Default: false
veraPDF is processing STDIN and is expecting an EOF marker.
If this isn't your intention you can terminate by typing an EOF equivalent:
- Linux or Mac users should type CTRL-D
- Windows users should type CTRL-Z