Here in the Netherlands, it is tradition to end the primary school period with a musical. For this I need an audio player that makes life easy, but I can't find it.

What I need is very simple. When I press the spacebar, a song plays. When the song is over, the playback stops. When I press spacebar again, the next song starts. I don't want to take the risk of manually having to pause it when the song is over, because I don't want the next song to start when it's not supposed to. It doesn't seem like too tall of an order, but I haven't found a player that can do this yet. Any advice?

  • Hello, which ones didn't meet your expectations? It seems like a simple enough config - no autoplay and keyboard shortcut to play with spacebar. Unless i'm misunderstanding
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jul 12, 2023 at 20:20

2 Answers 2


Most of popular 3rd party media players should be able to meet these quite easy requirements, after a bit of configuration.

For instance, you could go with AIMP.

  • play/pause is by default bound to Space key
  • autoplay can be quickly disabled by clicking AIMP logo in top left -> Preferences -> Player -> Automatic -> tick and suspend the playback

Does it need to be the space bar, or may it also be the ENTER key? I have created Replayer, a tool mainly aimed at rehearsals, which quite perfectly suits your needs.

Replayer usage

  • First, create a compilation of music files (mp3, wav, ...)
  • In the session, using Replayer on your portable device, play any part of your set with the click of a button. By default it stops at each track's end. You can then click on the next song.
  • Additionally, you can use a (bluetooth) numeric keypad, as a remote control

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